- microbial strain isolation 菌种分离
- Microbial strain is the basis of the fermentation industry. 摘要微生物菌种是发酵工业的基础。
- Isolation and Characterization of a Microbial Strain Capable of Degrading Vegetable Tannins 植物单宁降解菌的研究
- Introduction of normal used microbial spices, preservation of microbial strains, incubation and so on. 微生物工业用菌种;菌种的保藏方法;种子扩大培养。
- The microbial strains of Rhizopus sp.are important source of lipases,many of them were purified and identified. 根霉属微生物是脂肪酶的一个重要来源,多种根霉脂肪酶已被分离并鉴定。
- The main strain isolated from 818 strains of yeastlike fungi was Candida , the isolation rate of C. 818株酵母样真菌以念珠菌属为主 ,其中白色念珠菌的检出率居首位。
- L892 is an actinomycete strain isolated from soil sample collected at Guangdong Province. 从广东土壤中分离出一株放线菌L892,它产生的抗生物质对耐红霉素金葡球菌209P耐药株呈交叉耐药反应。
- Viability of freeze dry method microbial strains by using different concentrate of protectant and different freeze temperature was examined. 研究了微生物菌株在真空冷冻干燥保藏中,不同浓度的保护剂和不同冻干温度对存活性的影响。
- The G+C Mo1% of the first strain isolated in China was 37,and the hybridization rate of its DNA with the typical strain (Chicago 2) was 94.6%. 我国分离的第一株亲肺军团杆菌血清6型的DNA Mol%25是37;与同型标准株芝加哥2号的杂交率是94.;6%25
- This strain of wheat can grow during a cold spring. 这种小麦可以在寒冷的春天生长。
- Drug sensitivity tests with Kirby-Bauer method for the strain isolated showed it had obvious resistance to 13 of 14 kinds of antibiotics tested. 用Kirby-Bauer法对菌株作药物敏感试验,对14种抗生素的13种有较明显耐药。
- Objective To evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of freeze-dried live attenuated varicella vaccine prepared with the strain isolated in China. 目的考核和评价我国自行分离毒株研制的冻干水痘减毒活疫苗的安全性和免疫原性。
- The results demonstrated that the strain isolated from fruitbody tissue of Armillaria luteo-virens was the true pure culture of the fungus. 结果表明,本研究获得的黄绿蜜环菌子实体组织分离菌株即为其纯培养菌种。
- Screen of microbial strain for bluish dogbne degumming 红麻微生物脱胶菌种的选育
- It was hopeful to improve the yield of GABA in fermented soybean products by screening novel microbial strains,which supplied a new prospective pathway to obtain GABA from fermented so... 指出通过筛选不同的微生物菌株,可望实现发酵豆制品高产GABA,为发酵豆制品成为获得GABA的新资源提供了新的思路。
- At that time scientists knew that antibodies from people infected by the 1968 pandemic virus also reacted with an influenza strain isolated in 1963 from flu-ridden ducks. 那时科学家已经知道,来自1968年流感患者体内的抗体,同时可作用于1963年从带有流感病毒的鸭子体内所分离出来的病毒株。
- Sajduda A,Brzostek A,Poplawska M,et al.Molecular characterization of reframing and isoniazid-resistant Mycobacterium tuerculosis strains isolated in Poland[J].J Clin Microbial,2004,42(6):2425. 陆宇;段连山.;治疗耐药结核病的药物选择和药物研究进展[J]
- He examined each piece of evidence in isolation. 他分别审查每一证据。
- His isolation has made him blunt about the feelings of others. 他的孤立使他对别人的感情木然无知。
- He was put in an isolation ward. 他住进了隔离病房。