- microcosmic dynamical energy 微观动力能
- The dynamical energy resources of these dynamoelectric bicycles is not plumbic acerbity batteries, the fuel cell that precedes on international however. 这些电动自行车的动力能源不是铅酸电池,而是国际上领先的燃料电池。
- This chapter is on the transformation of heat energy into dynamic energy. 这一章是关于热能转化成动力的。
- You must convert it into dynamic energy by the power of your thought. 你必须通过思想的力量将它们转化成为动态的能量。
- I see our body as the locus of human desire, defined as a dynamic energy towards the meaningfulness of life. 所谓情意指的是有意向性的情感,特别是指那些指向意义与价值的高级情感,诸如美感、道德感情与宗教情操。
- Told with dynamic energy, these stories unnerve you in ways more conventional footage simply would not. 用动态的力量述说,这些故事让你焦虑而传统的方式却不会。
- The geometrically-inspired design combines a trapezoid shape with straight lines to convey a sense of dynamic energy. 注意。该几何级数的灵感设计结合了梯形形状与直线转达一种动态能源。
- This town is a microcosm of our world. 这个市镇是我们这个世界的缩影。
- GIGABYTE Dynamic Energy Saver Advanced / Ultra Durable 2 Motherboards - More Power Savings Better Power Efficiency! 技嘉动态节能器强化版/第二代超耐久主机板-省电节能一板搞定!
- Man is a microcosm of the whole of mankind. 人是全人类的缩影。
- Energy can be divided into two different types: stored energy and dynamic energy. 能量可以分成两种不同类型:积蓄的能量和动态的能量。
- Fiber hybridizing and curve angle of the flexible fiber reinforced concrete is very important for dynamic energy loss. 纤维混杂以及波纹纤维的曲线角对其动力耗散有重要的作用。
- Description: GIGABYTE Dynamic Energy Saver Advanced / Ultra Durable 2 Motherboards - More Power Savings Better Power Efficiency! 技嘉动态节能器强化版 / 第二代超耐久主机板 - 省电节能一板搞定!
- GIGABYTE Dynamic Energy Saver Advanced / Ultra Durable 2 Motherboards - More Power Savings Better Power Efficiency!World's On... 主机板;动态节能器强化版;技嘉;第二代超耐久主...
- This paper assumes that there is an undetermined dynamic energy for meaningfulness in human desire, which develops and transcends any particular realization. 摘要人的欲望含藏不可限定的意义动力,不断发展并自行超越,这是人由内在而超越的根源动力。
- Whereas Uccello's masterpieces are colourful, vertiginous yet ultimately static spectacles , Wittwer's interpretations have the gauzy , dynamic energy of film stills. 试译:乌切罗的名作色彩丰富、令人眩目但看定后会发现它是静态的眼镜(?),而维特尔的译作则像是电影中的定格画面,单薄而充满活力。
- The main factors affecting the measurement uncertainty of the national primary viscosity are temperature, time, surface tension, air buoyancy and dynamic energy. 影响粘度国家基准装置测量不确定度的主要因素有温度、时间、表面张力、空气浮力以及动能修正等。
- This small island contains the whole of nature in microcosm. 这个小岛包含著小而完整的自然界。
- Microcosmic dynamics and thermodynamics analysis of fire damp explosion 瓦斯爆炸微观动力学及热力学分析
- It is possible to transmute one form of energy into another. 把某种形态的能量改变成另一形态的能量是可能的。