- Chaozhou is an important producer of ceramics. 潮州就是一个重要的陶瓷生产基地。
- Special for edging dry machine of ceramics. 特别适合陶瓷干式磨边机使用。
- The new kind of ceramics is machineable. 这种新陶瓷可进行机械加工。
- microscopy of ceramics 陶瓷显微学
- One who makes objects of ceramic. 陶瓷工,陶瓷技师制造陶瓷器皿的人
- Buying production line of Ceramic. 伊朗客户求购陶瓷生产线。
- What calls the chromatism of ceramic tile? 什么叫瓷砖的色差?
- Super powder of it si also a kind of ceramics material. 超细微粉也是高级陶瓷材料。
- Super micropower of it is also a kind of ceramics material. 超细微粉也是高级陶瓷材料。
- Fig. 1. Direct microscopy of spoiled aseptic UHT products, (A) long life milk, and (B) flavor long life milk (2500X). 图1.;无菌包装腐败产品之显微镜镜检,(A)保久乳,(B)调味乳(2500X)。
- Electron microscopy of the surface of a thylakoid reveals numerous cobblestone-like structures which have been named quantasomes. 类囊体表面的电子业显微镜照片显露了鹅卵石状的结构,称为光能转化体。
- A study of pathological changes and structural obscrvation by microscopy of ISV taken from 28 infertile men with varicoce1e was per formed. 应用显微镜对28例精索静脉曲张不育症患者的精索内静脉(ISV)进行病理组织学观察。
- Lopes J,Inniss WE.Electron microscopy of effect of polymyxin on Escherichia coli,lipopolysaccharide.J Bacterial,1997,100:1128. 朱晓薇.;穿心莲内酯的镇痛解热及抗溃疡作用
- To 1977 featured in five one-man shows at the House of Ceramics, Vancouver. 至1977年,在温哥华陶艺之家举办五次个展。
- K. Urban, M. Wollgarten, D. Gratias and Z. Zhang, “Electron microscopy of dislocations in quasicrystals”, J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 153 (1993) 519-524. “透射电子显微镜中准晶位错的衍射衬度”;(英国).
- P. Hirsch, A. Howie, R. S. Nicholson, D. W. Pashley, M. J. Whelan, Electron Microscopy of Thin Crystals, Robert E. Krieger Huntington, New York, 1977. 郭可信、叶恒强、吴玉琨,电子衍射图在晶体学中的应用,北京:科学出版社,1983。
- Clean the secret weapon of ceramic tile: Bumf or paper towel. 清洗瓷砖的秘密武器:卫生纸或纸巾。
- Bright field transmission electron microscopy of thin sections demonstrated that Ferumoxtran-10 was retained in lysosomes of HMM for several days. 薄切片的亮场透射电镜观察证明,Ferumoxtran-10能在HMM的溶酶体内存在数天。
- Its comprehensive coverage focuses on microwave sintering of ceramics. 它的广泛报导集中在陶瓷微波烧结。
- The intradermoreaction positive rateof schistosome antigen is 6.6%,but the stool microscopy of schistosome ovum and circumoval precipitatereaction are negativ... 6%25,但粪便虫卵检查和环卵沉淀试验均为阴性。结论大规模应用吡喹酮防治急性血吸虫病有显著的作用。