- Japan wants to be more than just an economic power ,and to be a Politics power . And it is a militaristic empire, wants to return to its old habit. 日本不甘心只做经济大国,还想做政治大国,又想穷兵黩武,重蹈历史的覆辙。
- militaristic empires 穷兵黩武的帝国
- Throughout history empires have waxed and waned. 历史上各个帝国革故鼎新均有兴衰。
- Some great empires have crumbled and fallen . 一些大帝国已崩溃衰落了。
- Ankles, empires and bombs have centers and edges. 脚踝、帝国和炸弹都有中心和边界。
- Yes, Age of Empires III has a fifth age! 是的,帝国3有第五个时代。
- What are these empires that Wells mentions? 威尔提到的是那四个帝国呢?
- AoE This user plays Age of Empires. 本使用者来自台湾。
- Vaster than empires and more slow. 比帝国还要辽阔,还要缓慢;
- The two empires became major rivals. 两个帝国成为主要的对手。
- Thailand could be adaptable in its dealing with distant empires. 泰国与远方的帝国打交道时可以应付裕如。
- A high administrator in one of the modern colonial empires. 殖民地总督现代殖民属地的最高行政长官
- The murderous acts of Japanese militaristic acts are the burden of gods! 日本军国主义的疯狂暴行竟要由神来承担了!
- In the course of time many empires have risen and fallen. 多少帝国兴衰事,全在时光流逝中。
- Sanjinggaoli,the initiator of Sanjing Group,is the pioneer of using militar... 身份制度和缓、教育水平高及多神观念的民族性是兵法经营产生于日本的3个原因。
- Colors fade, temples crumble, empires fall, but wise words endure. 颜色会褪、宇会倒、国会垮,可明智的话却不朽。
- Act I: No. 9 Quintetto: Di scrivermi ogni giorno - (Coro) Bella vita militar! 第一幕:第9曲:五重唱:我的爱人答应了-(合唱)我要去当兵!-(宣叙调)我在哪儿?
- Great empires are not maintained by timidity -Tacitus. 伟大的帝国不是由胆怯来维持的。
- The antagonisms between the two empires and systems were mortal. 这两个帝国和两种制度之间,有着不共戴天的仇恨。