- Napoleon was viewing a military parade. 拿破仑正在参加军事检阅。
- The military parade was cancelled. 军事阅兵被取消了。
- The PLA staged its first military parade in Hong Kong yesterday. 解放军昨日首度在港举行阅兵仪式。
- The military parade was a display of bellicose nationalism. 军事游行是好斗民族主义的体现。
- Ddi you watch yestery's military parade and the celebration party at night? 你看昨天的阅兵式和晚上的庆祝活动了么?
- Paris remembered Bastille Day Tuesday with a traditional military parade on the Champs Elysees. 星期二,法国巴黎在香榭丽舍大街上演传统阅兵式纪念法国国庆日。
- Afghan President Hamid Karzai has survived an assault by Taliban militants on a military parade in Kabul. 阿富汗总统卡尔扎伊在咯布尔的一次军事检阅仪式上遭到塔利班武装分子的袭击,他安全脱险,躲过一劫。
- After the military parade, floats lauding China's history, achievements and regions passed by. 在阅兵仪式后,象征着中国历史、成就和地区的彩车一一经过天安门。
- Seven years after PLA troops were first stationed in Hong Kong, they staged a big military parade, as seen in this video footage. 中国人民解放军第一次驻扎香港的七年后,从影片的镜头可以看出,他们已经融会成了一支巨大的军人队伍。
- China plans a major military parade and a number of other events to celebrate this year's 60th anniversary of Communist rule. 中国计划举行重大阅兵式和其他一系列活动以庆祝中华人民共和国成立60周年。
- To commemorate this time, we Neice cooperation, we will be held October 8 Dragon Corps Memorial Neice large-scale military parade and party. 为了纪念我们在内测这段时间内的合作,我们将在10月8日举办龙腾军团阅兵仪式和内测纪念大型晚会。
- The annual National Day military parade on the procedure will be held in Tiananmen Square, which is a exciting time, every person feel immensely proud. 每年国庆,阅兵议事将在天安门广场上举行,这是一个激动的时刻,每个人都感到无比的自豪。
- Pakistani-made Shaheen II missile, rolls down a street during a military parade, Pakistan in this March 23, 2001 file photo. 在这张摄于2001年3月23日的资料照片中,巴基斯坦一枚“沙欣-2”型导弹在阅兵式上亮相。
- PLA air force pilots salute during a training session for China's 60th anniversary military parade at a military base in Beijing, China. 中国人民解放军空军飞行员致敬为中国在成立60周年阅兵训练会议在北京,中国的军事基地。
- The demonstrations took place in various parts of the Italian capital Wednesday as political leaders attended the annual Republic Day military parade under tight security. 周三,意大利首都多个地方发生了示威活动。当时,多名政治首脑正在严格的安全保护下,参加共和国日的军事阅兵。
- Hu"s inspection of the troops, the first in the past decade, preluded a full-dress National Day military parade involving about8,000 military personnel. 主席对部队的检阅,是过去十年里首次正式着装的国庆阅兵,被检阅部队大约8,000人。
- China did not want its first military parade in a decade to be marred by any hint of the unrest that has roiled the distant regions of Tibet and Xinjiang in the past two years. 中国不想让任何类似于近两年来发生在西藏和新疆的动荡事件发生在北京,破坏自己20世界都10年的第一次军事阅兵。
- A military parade and mass pageant would follow, said a spokesperson for the 60th National Day celebration preparation committee of the Beijing municipal government Monday. 随后将是盛大的阅兵式和群众游行,国庆60周年北京市筹备委员会新闻发言人周一介绍说。
- Weeks later, however, I was informed that the civilian and military parade had been cancelled in the spirit of "simple-living and hard struggle," as Chairman Mao decreed. 几个星期后,我却被告知为了贯彻毛主席“艰苦奋斗,勤俭节约”的方针,百姓游行和军事阅兵取消。
- No words can express the grandeur of that parade. 阅兵式那宏伟的场面是无法用语言表达的。