- There are millions of living things on the earth. 世界上有数以百万计的生物。
- There were millions of people in the square. 广场上有好多好多人。
- Millions of cattle are slaughtered every day. 每天有数百万头牛被屠杀。
- Millions of hamburgers and French fries are eaten every year. 每年美国人要吃掉几百万个汉堡包和炸薯条。
- Movies give delight to millions of people. 电影使亿万人获得乐趣。
- Millions of people were thrown into unemployment. 数百万人被迫失业。
- Rome welcomes millions of visitors each year. 罗马每年要接待数以百万计的游客。
- Millions of stars were shining in the heavens. 天空中繁星闪烁。
- America has assimilated millions of immigrants. 美国同化了千百万移民。
- Dinosaurs have been extinct for millions of years. 恐龙已绝种几百万年了。
- Millions of gallons of water are kept back by the dam. 这个堤坝拦住了滔滔的洪水。
- Millions of people gave freely in response to the famine appeal. 千百万人响应救灾呼吁而慷慨解囊。
- He'll put heart into millions of people with this speech. 他将通过这次演讲鼓舞数百万人民。
- There may be millions of worlds in the Milky Way Galaxy. 银河系中也许有几百万个世界。
- Millions of fans follow the TV soap operas devotedly. 千百万观众非常著迷地收看这部电视连续剧。
- millions of outlay 涉及几百万的开支
- Millions of people were uprooted by the war. 数百万人因战争而流离失所。
- Millions of people were immolated in World War I. 千百万的人们在第一次世界大战中被杀死。
- The sky was alight with millions of stars. 成千上万颗星星照亮了天空
- Millions of refugees who were displaced by the war. 数以百万计的难民由于战争而离开家园