- What are the External Symptoms of Mind Control? 什么是精神控制的表面症状?
- Who is Likely to Become a Mind Control Victim? 哪些人更容易成为精神控制的牺牲品?
- How Can Mind Control Possibly Work? 精神控制是如何工作的?
- Mind control of this sort is a meditation. 这种类型的心思控制是一种冥想。
- Patriot broadcasters are aware that mind control is happening. 爱国者广播者们意识到精神控制正在发生。
- Kilde is warmly applauded by mind control targets around the world! 医生被世界上精神控制的受害者所热切称赞着。
- Mind Control now has only one rank and costs 12% of base mana. 控制心灵现在只有一个等级,消耗12%25的基础法力值.
- Online PETITION to against Mind Control and DEW abuse and torture. 在线请愿,反对大脑控制和定向能武器滥用和酷刑。
- Mind control drugs and experiments were torturous to the victims. 精神控制药物及实验对受害者来说是痛苦的。
- Psychological illusionist Jes Rose is into mind control. 心理幻术师杰兹罗斯热衷于操控人的心智。
- Mind Control and Time manipulation: Good or bad abilities in MHA? 5位用户发布的6个帖子。更新于3小时前。
- Also, the mind control and neural torture is lifelong. 而且,精神控制和神经折磨将是终生的。
- There were fatal mind control experiments conducted at Auschwitz. 在奥斯威辛曾进行过一次毁灭性精神控制实验。
- The media ignore mind control for the most part, or add their own ridicule. 媒体在某种程度上忽视了精神控制,或者增加他们的嘲笑。
- The topic of mind control is elaborate, multifaceted, and multi layered. 精神控制的主题是详细叙述的、多侧面、多层次的。
- This game changing unit has the ability to teleport units and mind control. 这个扭转战局得单位拥有传送单位和心灵控制能力。
- Funding and experimentations of mind control have been part of the U.S. 那些为争取自由的老兵也遭到实验。
- For example, the Gnomish Mind Control Cap should no longer trigger the cooldown of the Talisman of Arathor. 举例来说,使用侏儒洗脑帽将不再导致阿拉索护符进入冷却时间。
- Remember that in the past CIA mind control experiments have involved LSD as well as electro-shock treatment. 记得CIA过去精神控制试验卷入了LSD和电击治疗试验。
- Players will no longer be attacked by same faction guards when using mind control on an enemy player to attack. 玩家对敌对玩家使用精神控制后,不再会遭到己方阵营的守卫的攻击。