- Chapter nine considers the minimal cost network flow problem from the simplex method point of view. 第九章从单纯形方法的观点考虑网络流问题的最小化。
- A Piecewise-linear Cost Network Flow Problem 一类分段线性费用网络流问题
- A New Algorithm of Nonlinear Minimum Cost Network Flow and its Application 非线性最小费用网络流新算法及其应用
- Two Algorithms for Piecewise-Linear Convex Cost Network Flow Problems 分段线性凸费用网络流的两个算法
- The work was carried out at minimal cost. 这项工作是以最少的开销完成的。
- Network flow problem with carrier. 带运输工具的网络流问题。
- Finally, Chapter eleven covers the special topics of the maximal flow problem, the shortest path problem, and the multicommodity minimal cost flow problem. 最后,第十一章覆盖了特殊主题:最大化流问题、最短路径问题和多物最小消费流问题。
- Fig. 4: The analysis of network flow. 图四、网路流量分析。
- How to satisfy all demand at minimal costs? 如何花费最少的成本去满足所有的需求?
- minimum cost network flow 最小费用流
- However, a potential attacker will always adjust his attack strategies to compromise a network with the minimal cost, if he knows the resource allocation policy of a network operator. 而相对的,攻击者针对网路营运者所采用的资源配置策略,也会因应调整其攻击方式,以最少的攻击成本达成攻击目的。
- Using the related duality theories of convex analysis, we derived the duality programming, the duality theorems and the Kuhn-Tucker conditions of general multicommodity minimal cost flow problems. 内层规划实际是单品种费用流问题;而外层问题是分离的凸规划;使用相关的凸分析理论;导出了广义多品种最小费用流问题的对偶规划;对偶定理和Kuhn.;Thcker条件
- If the current network flow is abnormal,ANIDS can make an alert. 若发现当前流量异常,则进行报警。
- It is not possible to know in advance which form will yield a minimal cost circuit. 我们不能预先知道哪种形式会得到最低成本的电路。
- The minimal cost for taking taxi // far outweighs the inconvenience // of being immobile in this vast urban area. 城区广大,交通不便,无法走动,所以出这么点钱坐出租车还是非常划得来的(上算的)。
- The mission of the WASP is to provide quick response surveillence and/or reconnaissance data at minimal cost. WASP的任务是验证最低花费下的快速反应调查和/或侦查数据。
- For a minimal cost, you can upgrade the insulation in your exterior walls, crawlspaces, basements and attics. 要使花费更少,你可以升级外墙、地下防霉室、地下室、及阳台的隔热系统。
- During maintenance, taking care of system profit, making the most benefit of system in minimal cost. 在维护期间,往往必须考虑到系统效益,使系统在最小的成本中发挥最大的效益。
- Often we try our best to achieve the same desired result with minimal cost increase. 我们常常尽最大的努力实现同样的理想的结果以最小的成本增加。