- A person who holds stubbornly to a minority view, in defiance of the circumstances. 意指不顾形势、倔强地坚持少数意见的人。
- Artistic people are in a tiny minority in this country. 爱好艺术的人在这个国家只占少数。
- The minority nationality concert lasted two hours. 少数民族音乐会持续了两个小时。
- A minor road connects the highways. 一条小路同几条公路相连。
- I don't want to go into the minor details now. 我现在不想涉及枝节问题。
- Can you swing them round to my point of view? 你能让他们转而支持我的观点吗?
- Our room opened upon a view of the bay. 从我们房间可以看到海湾。
- We can afford to overlook minor offences. 我们可以不计较小过。
- I have some sympathy with that point of view. 我比较赞成这种看法。
- The view was obliterated by the fog. 景色被浓雾遮住了。
- I made minor alterations to the article. 我对这篇文章作了小规模的修改。
- I major in French and minor in English. 我学习的主科是法语,副科是英语。
- From every window head is crane for a view of it. 每一个窗口都有人探出头来看。
- He did it in full view of the public. 他在众目睽睽之下做了那件事。
- A small minority voted against the motion. 投票反对该提议的人占少数。
- He did the deed in view of a crowd of people. 他当着一群人的面干了这件事。
- He put it where it is concealed from view. 他把它放到看不见的地方。
- He was admitted to hospital with minor burns. 他因轻度烧伤而入院。
- She removed her blouse in full view of everybody. 她当着大家的面脱掉短上衣。
- The matter appeared at first view of little moment. 这件事乍看起来不怎么重要。