- The human mirror neuron system does include Broca's area, a fundamental language-related cortical center. 人类的镜像神经元系统确实包括布罗卡区在内,那可是大脑皮质最基本且重要的语言中枢。
- Our own research group is currently testing rats to see if that species also demonstrates mirror neuron responses. 我们的研究团队正在大鼠身上测试,想看看这种动物是否也具有镜像神经元的反应。
- While test subjects observed the expert, their parietofrontal mirror neuron systems became active. 当受试者观看熟手弹奏时,其顶叶及额叶的镜像神经元系统会活化起来;
- Alternatively, the altered limbic connections could be a side effect of the same genes that trigger the dysfunctions in the mirror neuron system. 或换个方向想,造成镜像神经元系统功能障碍的基因,也可能产生副作用,改变了边缘系统的连线。
- ASD objects shown obvious lack of the activation of mirror neuron system during the task of observation or emotional cognition. 孤独症患者在动作观察、情绪认知等过程中镜像神经元系统激活明显缺乏。
- LINDSAY M.OBERMAN has investigated the links between autism and the mirror neuron system at the Center for Brain and Cognition at the University of California, San Diego. 欧柏曼在美国加州大学圣地牙哥分校的脑与认知中心,研究自闭症与镜像神经元系统间的关联。
- Further investigations using different external measures of cortical activity, such as electroencephalography, also supported the existence of a mirror neuron system in humans. 进一步使用脑电图(EEG)等方法从体外测定神经活性的研究,也支持人类拥有镜像神经元系统的想法。
- VILAYANUR S.RAMACHANDRAN has investigated the links between autism and the mirror neuron system at the Center for Brain and Cognition at the University of California, San Diego. 拉玛钱德朗在美国加州大学圣地牙哥分校的脑与认知中心,研究自闭症与镜像神经元系统间的关联。
- "Mirror neurons may be very important for social relations," Iacoboni said. “镜像神经元对人际关系是非常重要的,” 亚可波里说。
- Last, mirror neurons may enable humans to see themselves as others see them, which may be an essential ability for self-awareness and introspection. 最后,镜像神经元也许让人类可以像别人看自己一般看自己,这可能是自我知觉与内省所必备的能力。
- In the early 1990s the discovery of mirror neurons led to a new way to understand the incongruity aspect of humor. 上世纪九十年代初镜像神经的发现为理解幽默中的不协调性开辟了新的途径。
- What role might mirror neurons play when we have to learn completely new and complex motor acts by imitation? 如果说我们要靠模仿来学习全新且复杂的动作时,镜像神经元又扮演了什麽角色呢?
- In monkeys, the role of the neurons may be limited to predicting simple goal-directed actions, but in humans the mirror neuron system may have evolved the ability to interpret more complex intentions. 对猴子而言,这些神经元的功能或许局限于预测简单的目标导向行动,但对人类而言,镜像神经元系统也许已经演化出可以阐释更复杂意图的能力。
- Mirror neurons may also be involved in imitation, an ability that appears to exist in rudimentary form in the great apes but is most pronounced in humans. 镜像神经元也可能参与模仿,大猿似乎具有最基本的模仿能力,而人类的则显著多了。
- Whether mirror neurons are directly involved in this skill is not known, but clearly some analogous process must be going on. 镜像神经元是否直接参与这种技巧,不得而知,不过显然有些类似的过程发生。
- Iriki A. (2006) The neural origins and implications of imitation, mirror neurons and tool use. Curr Opin Neurobiol. 16(6):660-7. 也许等到未来神经科学研究更成熟之后,科学家就会知道怎样对一般人描述镜子神经元了。
- It is unlucky to break a mirror. 打破镜子被认为是不吉利的。
- Mirror neurons help us understand empathy and even how group hysteria can sweep through a crowd, but there are also profound implications for parenting. 镜像神经元帮助我们理解他人的意思,以及人群的歇斯底里如何对大家产生影响,还对为人父母有深远的意义。
- Mirror neurons, a special kind of neurons, exist in primates and human beings, discharge both when individuals execute actions and when they observe others do the same actions. 镜像神经元是存在于灵长类动物及人类大脑中的一种特殊神经元,它们在个体执行动作和观察相同动作被其他个体执行时均产生放电。
- In each instance, most of the mirror neurons were activated differently, depending on whether the experimenter brought the food to his mouth or put it in the container. 结果是:每一次试验,根据实验人员的动作是将食物放进嘴里或容器,猴子脑中大多数镜像神经元的活化情形会有所不同。