- misconduct and inaction 失职与旷职
- With irregular intervals of action and inaction;intermittently. 一阵阵地,间歇地无规则的行动和静止的交换;间歇地
- Consider what I did - I who so loved repose and inaction. 我是个爱好安逸、不好活动的人,可是想想看我干了件什么事。
- With irregular intervals of action and inaction; intermittently. 一阵阵地,间歇地无规则的行动和静止的交换;间歇地
- Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction? 我们迟疑不决,无所作为就能积聚力量吗?
- Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction ? 难道优柔寡断、无所事事就能积蓄力量吗?
- It also exists in active and inactive forms. 它也存在着活跃的和不活跃的两种类型。
- The accountant is guilty of gross misconduct and he will be prosecuted. 这个会计犯了重大失误,将会被起诉。
- The three men stunned into silence and inactivity. 这三个男人在一边呆若木鸡、不知所措。
- No classroom ago by a detailed inspection, resulting layout misconduct and the tight time! 借教室前没有进行详细的考察,造成布置失当和时间的紧凑!
- Immediacy refers to the length of time between the misconduct and the discipline. 热炉规则强调的是惩罚应当对事不对人。
- The vision they ve come up with is: New Zealand Police - where crime, corruption, serious misconduct and racist behaviour by members is not tolerated. 其目标是:新西兰警队绝不会容忍警务人员作出任何违法、贪污、严重失当及种族歧视的行为。
- A code of conduct will bring about a departure from the cumbersome regulatory process that currently operates in dealing with misconduct and neglect of duty. 新制定的工作守则会将现时处理警务人员行为失当及疏忽职守的繁复监管程序简化。
- By fits and starts or in fits and starts With irregular intervals of action and inaction; intermittently. 一阵阵地,间歇地无规则的行动和静止的交换;间歇地。
- Intravenous drug users sharing syringes caused not only by the blood of AIDS transmission, while the sexual misconduct and drug addicts can AIDS through sexual transmission. 静脉注射毒品者不仅通过共用注射器造成艾滋病的血液传播,同时吸毒者的不良性行为又可使艾滋病通过性途径传播。
- Yes, his failures and inaction can only be commonplace, "fate" of the the doomed. 是得,他的失败和不行动只能导致平凡,命中注定。
- The general opinion currently is that the best answer to MRSA is an active control programmed, and inaction being unacceptable. 现在普遍认为对付MRSA的最好方式是采用积极的控制方案,而不是坐以待毙。
- Wang Chong took Taoist's nature and inaction as his argument purpose, and took Heaven as the highest category of his outlook on the natural laws. 王充以道家的自然无为立论宗旨 ,以“天”为天道观的最高范畴 ,以“气”为核心范畴 ,由元气、精气、和气等自然气化构成了庞大的宇宙生成模式 ,与天人感应论形成对立之势。
- We must keep up our anti-corruption fight, energetically rectify misconduct and unhealthy tendencies in various trades and government departments, and strictly deal with all breaches of law or discipline. 继续深入开展反腐败斗争,大力纠正部门和行业不正之风,严肃查处各类违法违纪案件。
- At the same time, today, the actions, and inaction, of human beings imperil not only life on the planet, but the very life of the planet. 与此同时,今天,人类所做的及没能做到的事情,不仅危害到这个星球上的生命,也危害到该星球的寿命。