- misty blue Chintechen ware 景德镇影青瓷器
- The prospect of lounging on talcum-white beaches with a backdrop of misty blue mountains is what initially lures most visitors. 大多数游人最初被吸引到这里,是因为他们憧憬着,在一片迷蒙青山的背景下懒懒地躺在洁白海滩上的乐趣。
- When the fiery sun rises out of the misty blue sea, enlivening everything around and bringing the world to life again, it creates a sight that is named Sunrise in the Mythical East. 火红的太阳在万顷碧海中,破雾而出,顿时万物苏醒,大地生辉,称谓“日出扶桑”;
- Then my whole world turns misty blue 使我整个世界陷入如雾的蓝色忧郁之中
- misty blue {Jingdezhen} ware 景德镇影青瓷器
- The clear water mirrored the blue sky. 清澈的水中映出蔚蓝的天空。
- Misty weather prevails in this part of the country. 该国的这一地区天气多雾。
- Be ware of falling into their trap. 当心中了他们的计。
- It was a misty morning, but not very cold. 这是一个多雾的清晨,但不太冷。
- The shop sells a great variety of porcelain ware. 这家店铺出售品种繁多的瓷器。
- Yesterday we had a misty morning. 昨天早晨多雾。
- I have only misty memories of my early childhood. 我对自己的童年只剩一些模糊的记忆。
- This cloth has a pattern of blue and white squares. 这种布有蓝白格子的图案。
- He fell down the stairs and was all black and blue. 他从楼梯跌下而青一块紫一块了。
- England are playing in the blue and white strip. 英格兰队穿著蓝白色运动衣进行比赛。
- He dresses in a blue serge suit. 他穿着兰色的毛哔叽套服。
- Her baby has bonny and bright blue eyes. 她的孩子有一双美丽而明亮的蓝眼睛。
- The sun glare out of the blue sky. 太阳从蓝天中发出耀眼的光。
- In misty weather, the pilots have to fly by instruments. 大雾天飞行,飞行员只得靠仪表。
- Our store is the biggest dealer in Cloisonne ware here. 本店是此地最大的景泰蓝销售店。