- Mitotic metaphase chromosomes of 34 species of Drosophila melanogaster species group were examined. 观察了国内黑腹果蝇种组34种果蝇的有丝分裂中期核型,其中首次描述了一些新核型。
- Karyotype and random arrangement of homologous in mitotic metaphase of Silphium perfoliatum L. 松香草核型及有丝分裂中期同源染色体随机排列.
- By the chromosome size and the morphology of mitotic metaphase chromosome, 96 chromosomes were grouped into 8 homogenetic haploid complementes. 在有丝分裂中期染色体组中,染色体的大小逐渐地改变,按照染色体的大小和形态,96个染色体能被分成8个同源单倍体染色体组。
- mitosis metaphase 有丝分裂中期
- A.Interphase;B.G-banded mitotic metaphase chromosomes; 间期核;B.;G-显带有丝分裂中期染色体;
- The stage of mitosis and meiosis, following prophase and preceding anaphase, during which the chromosomes are aligned along the metaphase plate. 中期细胞核的有丝分裂和减数分裂阶段,发生于前期之后和后期之前,在此期间内染色体在中期板平面上定向排列
- Chromatid One of a pair of replicated chromosomes found during the prophase and metaphase stages of mitosis and meiosis. 染色单体:在有丝分裂和减数分裂的前期和中期一对已经复制了的染色体中的一个。
- There were detestably close synapses between homologous chromosomes during thellateprophase and early metaphase in mitosis of somatic cells. 发现在其有丝分裂的晚前期、中期阶段,咯对同源染色体都在进行联会。
- The stage of mitosis and meiosis,following prophase and preceding anaphase,during which the chromosomes are aligned along the metaphase plate. 中期细胞核的有丝分裂和减数分裂阶段,发生于前期之后和后期之前,在此期间内染色体在中期板平面上定向排列
- These subunits, originally believed to remain associated with nucleolar organizing regions (NORs) throughout mitosis, were shown to transiently leave NORs during metaphase. 起初认为这些小亚基在整个有丝分裂中被认为保持着与NORs相联系,最后发现偶然的与NORs分开。
- Equatorial plate An arrangement of the chromosomes in which the centromeres become aligned in a single plane at the center of the spindle during metaphase of mitosis and meiosis. 赤道板:在细胞有丝分裂和减数分裂的中期,横隔在细胞中央的一个平面,位于纺锤体的中心。染色体的着丝粒沿这个平面排列。
- The chromosomes duplicated in mitosis. 染色体在有丝分裂中会重复。
- There was no univalent at metaphase I. 四分体阶段无微核出现。
- An irregular mitosis is seen in the center. 中央可见病理性核分裂象。
Mitotic metaphase chromosomes of 34 species of Drosophila melanogaster species group were examined. 观察了国内黑腹果蝇种组34种果蝇的有丝分裂中期核型,其中首次描述了一些新核型。
- At the onset of mitosis, prophase, the nucleolus breaks down. 有丝分裂的开始称为前期,核仁消失。
- Endothelial cells proximal to the injury undergo rapid mitosis. 近损伤部位的内皮细胞进行迅速的有丝分裂。
- Either end of the spindle formed in a cell during mitosis. 纺锤极细胞在有丝分裂中形成的纺锤体两端的任一端
- Is metaphase bladder cancer serious? Is there cure of He Fang law? 中期膀胱癌严重吗?有何方法治疗?
- Guangdong has entered industrialized metaphase phase at present. 广东目前已经进入工业化中期阶段。