- Compensation and Alignment of Thermohaline Gradients in the Ocean Mixed Layer. 海洋混合层中温盐梯度的补偿和校准。
- Ocean Mixed Layer Temperature Variations Induced by Intraseasonal Convective Perturbations over the Indian Ocean. 印度洋上因季节内对流干扰造成的海洋混合层温度。
- The effects of the wave breaking and the Stokes drift on the mixed layer are analyzed in detail. 在前人的理论工作和实验观测的基础上,文中首先分析了波浪破碎和Stokes漂对海洋上混合层可能造成影响的几个方面。
- The standing stocks of POC in the surface waters were controlled by the changes of mixed layer depth. 表层水体中的颗粒有机碳现存量同混合水深同步变化,受混合层控制作用显著;
- A retrieval method of the Mixed Layer Height (MLH) which reduces error of instrument correction is presented. 提出一种反演混合层高度的方法,这种方法减小了仪器订正的误差,反演的混合层高度与探空测量结果有很好的一致性。
- Clay mineral contain rich illite and chlorite but lean kaolinite and illite/smectite mixed layer. 粘土矿物组成富含伊利石和绿泥石,贫高岭石和伊利石/蒙皂石。
- The shocklet was observed based on NPLS techniques in supersonic turbulent mix layer wind tunnel with convective Mach number 1. 在对流马赫数为1.;24的超声速湍流混合层风洞中;以NPLS实验技术为基础观察到了小激波结构。
- The ocean surface mixed layer can be approximated to a vertical uniform layer on temperature, salinity and current. 海洋的上混合层可近似为温度、盐度和余流的垂直均匀层,如同大气的充分混合层一样。
- The major task of this dissertation is to investigate the effects of PR and salinity on mixed layer depth (MLD), using the Kraus-Turner one-dimensional mixed layer model. 本论文在前人研究工作的基础上,利用一维Kraus-Turner海洋混合层模式,对穿透性太阳辐射、盐度效应在海洋混合层发展过程中对混合层深度的影响进行了研究和探讨。
- Using the energy method and taking the factors of buoyancy, wind shear and downdraft into account, we have calculated the process of the mixed layer height varied with time. 采用能量学方法,通过考虑影响混合层演变的浮力、风切变及下沉等因子,对混合层高度随时间变化的过程进行数值模拟计算,并与实际观测资料比较。
- It is suggested the authigenic clay mineral in clastic rock be classified into four types,named mixed layer of illite and montmorillonite, illite,chlorite and kaolinite. 得出了碎屑岩中的自生粘土矿物分为伊/蒙混层、伊利石、绿泥石和高岭石4种基本类型;
- Based on the observed data during 11 survey cruises in the Nanshan Islands sea area, the seasonal variabilities in mixed layer depth in the sea area were studied. 摘要基于南沙群岛海域综合科学考察11个航次的实测资料,研究了南沙群岛海域的混合层深度季节变化特征。
- The aim of this paper is to build a predictive model describing the basic properties of the mixed layer and attempts to formulate a boundary-layer parameterization scheme suit... 本文目的试图建立一个合理的混合层预报模式,并探索一种适合于数值天气预报模式的边界层参数化方案。
- The concept of a universal function P(N) supposed by kitaigoro-dskii is used in the forecasting model and the used parametrs are wind, Coriolis parameter, thermal expansion coefficient and heat storage wi-thin the mixed layer. 所使用的参数是风、科氏参数、热膨胀系数和混合层内的热储量,在预报模式中应用了Kitaigorodsii的普遍函数概念。
- The results indicate that the thickness of the mixing layer grows linearly with the streamwise distance. 计算结果表明混合层厚度沿流向线性增长,混合层流动中大尺度涡结构间的合并是混合层厚度增长的主要因素。
- Finally, a series of numerical experiments are made to investigate the response of ocean surface mixed layer to the constant wind and to the typhoon-generated waves, considering the effects of wave breaking and the Stokes drift induced by the waves. 最后,在现有理论研究和大量实验观测结果的基础上,对定常风及台风浪作用下的海洋上混合层的响应情况做了一系列的数值研究,其中分析比较了考虑与不考虑波浪破碎和Stokes漂对海洋上混合层的影响情况,最终得到了很有意义的结论。
- Based on the new Simple Ocean Data Assimilation(SODA) data,the characteristics of the seasonal and interannual variations of the mixed layer in the South China Sea(SCS) are derived. 通过分析新的SODA(Simple Ocean Data Assimilation)资料,得到南海混合层时空场的分布特征,剖析了南海混合层深度的季节及年际变化特征。
- Don't mix up this pair of synonyms. 别把这两个近义词混淆了。
- Further more, the SST warming twice in one year in the northern Indian Ocean, the mixed layer deepening in the central Arabian Sea during summer, as well as the equator jet occurred only in transient seasons are all noteworthy. 不仅如此,北印度洋SST在一年有两次增暖、夏季风期间阿拉伯海中部混合层的加深,以及季风转换其间赤道急流的存在等也是季节变化尺度上引人注目的现象。
- Jeun-Len Wu,1989"Instabilities of a Compressible Mixing Layer",Ph.D. disseration,Virginia Polytech.Inst. and State Univ.,Blacksburg, VA24061. 吴俊仁;1991;"可压缩合层流之非平行稳定性分析";国科会计划研究报告.