- Woman is always fickle and changeable. 女人总是可变易变。
- At present the world situation is complicated and changeable. 当今的世界纷繁复杂,变化多端。
- High mobile and Internet penetration rate. 流动电话及互联网渗透率甚高。
- Copy/Paste text between mobile and desktop. 在手机和电脑之间可以复制和粘贴。
- Make calls to mobile and landline phones FREE! *(免费打手机、固定电话。
- The international situation is complex and changeable. 国际形势错综复杂,千变万化。
- mobile and changeable 善行数变
- This cam is mobile and the images may be anywhere in the world. 这是移动摄像头,其图像可能是在世界的任何地方。
- The Katyusha rockets are small, mobile and easy to hide. 喀秋莎火箭弹体积小、机动性强且便于隐藏。
- Victoria broke her leg but is now mobile and can walk with a cane. 维多利亚的腿摔断了,但现在已能活动,可以拄着拐杖走路了。
- Enlacing, wrappage mobile and turning required underutilized. 绑缚时,包装件的安放和转向需靠酬劳举行。
- Exxon Mobil and Chevron led the energy sector rose 6.1 percent. 埃克森美孚和雪佛龙带领能源板块上涨6.1%25。
- The army was mobilized and encircled the airport. 调动了陆军部队队包围了机场。
- Range set at 10m to optimize for target market of mobile and business user. 10公里是最适于移动通信市场和商业用户的通信范围。
- Mode one and changeable 8 bits baud rate are adopted during communication. AT89C5通讯采用串口方式1,波特率8位可变。
- Do you like to stick to a routine? Or are you more impulsive and changeable? 你喜欢维持一个常规状况吗?或是你是个冲动的人喜爱改变呢?
- Strengthen its capability for joint, mobile and multi-purpose operations. 发展具有中国特色的作战理论、增强联合作战、机动作战和执行多种任务的能力。
- The accuracy of this principle can be used in the mobile and non-mobile signal. 利用此原理便可准确无误地区分移动和非移动信号。
- As a result, Exxon Mobil and U.S. steel plates led by futures-related. 受此影响,埃克森美孚和美国钢铁领跌期货相关板块。
- In modern warfare, mobility and sophisticated weapons are more important than weight of numbers. 在现代战争中,机动性和先进武器比人多势众更为重要。