- The company has decided to get out of the mobile phone market. 该公司决定放弃行。
- If mobile phone market will be shuffled, are our companies ready? 如果手机市场重新洗牌,我们的企业准备好了吗?
- A new device was set to launch on the mobile phone market. 一个新的设备首次在移动电话市场推出。
- The outsourcing of Ericsson mobile phone arouse a new competition on the mobile phone market. 爱立信手机生产外包引发了手机市场的新一轮竞争。
- Sagem has a strong position in the mobile phone market of Europe, Middle East, Africa, Asia and Latin America. 萨基姆在欧洲、中东、非洲、亚洲以及拉丁美洲的移动电话市场占有着重要的位置。
- Ericsson launched its slim and smart new model which analysts expect will boost profits and also market share in the tough mobile phone market. 手机市场竞争激烈;爱立信公司推出小巧时尚的新机型;专家预测这种机型不仅能够增加利润;而且能够扩大市场份额.
- Mobile phone market contends for battle to grow in intensity, the brand that emerge in endlessly lets a person look dazzlingly. 手机市场争夺战愈演愈烈,层出不穷的品牌让人看得眼花缭乱。
- All along is downwind the Wintel of downstream, encountered a few troubles it seems that in mobile phone market, see a few flaw dimly in the solemn pledge of love. 向来顺风顺水的Wintel,在手机市场似乎遇到了一些麻烦,在海誓山盟中依稀可见一些裂纹。
- The plan will be carried out in the next six months, until July 2009 to complete, UT Starcom's mobile phone sector will continue to sell to the Chinese mobile phone market. 这一计划将在未来六个月中进行,到2009年7月份完成,UT斯达康旗下手机部门将继续向中国市场出售手机。
- In the third part, the developmental trend of the cellular phone distribution channel is predicted based on the analysis of the China mobile phone market. 第三部分是在对手机分销市场进行分析论述的基础上提出未来发展的趋势。
- We do not believe the largest market share of the mobile phone market but we have a plan to become a most competitive company, a great company., one that collaborates with others. 我们并不认为拥有最大的手机市场份额就可以安枕无忧了,我们必须制定计划成为一个有竞争能力的公司,一个可以和别人合作的大公司。
- The Angolan mobile phone market currently has around 1.4 million users, divided between UNITEL, the market leader, and state operator MOVICEL, which is 99 percent controlled by Angola Telecom. 目前,安手机市场有140万用户,分属于联合电信(葡萄牙电信部分控股)和国营的MOVICEL公司(安哥拉电信控制99%25的股份)。
- The Angolan mobile phone market currently has around1.4 million users, divided between UNITEL, the market leader, and state operator MOVICEL, which is99 percent controlled by Angola Telecom. 联合电信成立于1998年,2001年4月开始运营,目前拥有安哥拉三分之二的手机用户。
- The drop in sales of Nokia mobiles is significant of the depressing situation of the mobile phone market. 诺基亚手机销售量的下降是现在手机市场十分低迷的表现。
- Dan Fengjie Second Street, many mobile phone market to sell cheap mobile phones, but you have to know how to identify the cells, the functions of different models and so on. 丹凤街一条街的二手机市场有不少便宜的手机卖,不过你要知道如何识别电池、不同机型的功能等。
- Who will be the King of the mobile phone market 手机市场 谁是王者
- On the Trend and Innovation of the Mobile Phone Market Channel 手机市场渠道的趋势与创新
- Baseband circuit design of mobile phone. 手机基带电路的设计。
- Many people use pre-paid mobile phone cards. 很多人使用电话储值卡(如神州行)。
- You can go online by mobile phone. 你可以通过手机上网。