- mode of running schools 抓掌模式
- mode of running school 办学模式
- This paper makes an analysis of the mode of running cooperative schools in vocational colleges of Zhejiang province, in lope of providing some lessons for running Chinese-foreign cooperation schools in our vocational colleges. 对浙江省高职院校具体的合作办学模式进行分析和解读,以期对我国高职院校中外合作办学的发展有所借鉴和参考。
- With the popularization of open education, the scale of running schools in the RTU system is enlarging, The educational levels and types are various. 摘要随著电大开放教育的不断深入,电大的办学规模迅速扩大,办学层次与类型呈现出多元化等新的发展趋势。
- My letter will convey some idea of my mode of life. 我的信将使你了解到一些我的生活方式。
- In 2002 to the newly formed Xue Wen heads for the leadership "to each student's life, so that every student success," the idea of running schools, the school won the large leaps and bounds. 2002年新组建的以薛志文为校长的领导班子,推行“为了每个学生的一生,让每个学生走向成功”的办学理念,使学校赢得了较大的跨越式发展。
- The imperial education of the Great Mongol Empire centering on the aim of running school experienced the change from the character education, which implied the first conflict on running school between the Mongol rulers and the lian Confucian scholars. 围绕着办学宗旨问题,大蒙古国国子学经历了由文字教育向儒学教育的转变。 这是蒙古统治者在办学问题上与汉人儒士的第一次冲突。
- He is capable of running a mile in four minutes. 他能用四分钟跑一英里。
- He changed his whole mode of life. 他改变了整个生活方式。
- The cruxes of the matter lie in three points as following: the correct ideas of running school, the distinctive industrial design education curriculum and the building of teachers. 而要做到这些点,关键是各级各类院校的工业设计专业要从三个方面做起:即要有好的办学理念和办学定位,要努力构建具有自己特色的工业设计教育课程体系,要切实抓好师资队伍的建设。
- He was tired of running errands for his sister. 他已厌烦给姐姐当跑腿了。
- The level of formality determine the precise mode of expression. 不同的礼节程度决定所需的确切表达方式。
- She is not used to the formal mode of address. 她不习惯于这种正式称呼。
- The influence of the society comes from running the journal jointly and distinctively and this inaugurates the mode of running journal and exerts the theoretical research function of group education. 学会的影响力来自有特色的联合办刊,创新了办刊模式,发挥了集团教育的理论研究功能。
- It was then that I conceived the notion of running away. 就在那时我产生了逃跑的念头。
- A characteristic way or mode of expression. 用语,说法具有特点的方法或方式的表达
- Our photocopier is in continual need of running repairs. 我们的复印机经常需要检修。
- second level way of running schools 二级办学模式
- The means or mode of acting; instrumentality. 手段行动的方法或方式; 媒介
- characteristics of running schools 地方高校