- modem Chinese dramas 中国现代戏剧
- But as a double-edged sword, realism promoted Chinese drama's modem transformation, and also obstructed its process. 但写实如一把双刃剑,它既促进了现代戏剧的建构,又阻碍了它的进程。
- How Far The Chinese Drama Conld Go? 中国戏曲到底能走多远?
- Prince of Tennis [Chinese Drama] Preview. 网球王子好男儿预告片.
- The modem Chinese people are badly in need of that inspirit. 当代中国社会中的人们,尤其需要这种英雄主义精神的激励。
- Ben se" is an important concept in Chinese drama theory. 本色”是中国戏曲理论中的一个重要概念。
- Modem Chinese essays flourished because of Europeanized changes in the style. 现代散文卓有成就,源于欧化带来的文体的新变。
- There is an interactive relationship between Bertolt Brecht and Chinese drama. 摘要布莱希特与中国戏剧是一种“双向互动”的关系。
- Shyu-Wey is very important in Chinese Drama history and Art history. 文人此种诗、文、书、画、剧皆通的现象,当与博通态度、业馀精神有关。
- Nuo is an ancient culture form which is titled as "fossil of Chinese drama". 傩是一种古老的传统文化,被称为“戏剧的古化石”,最早关注傩文化的是戏剧学家。
- This course accords with the law that most disyllable words become of modem Chinese language. 这一过程符合许多现汉双音词形成的规律。
- As one of sources of Modem Chinese neology, the parlance of computer networks contains many terms of computer networks. 网络用语作为现代汉语新词新语的来源之一;包含着大量的网络术语.
- The election is an apotheosis of electing elite completely chaired by modem Chinese intellectuals. 中央研究院第一届院士选举是现代中国学术界自主选举学术精英的典范。
- The Chinese dramas have been very popular in Korea, and Alec takes of the lead of the trend! 中国戏剧在韩国很流行,并且苏有朋引领了这一趋势。
- The modem Chinese democratic literature underwent a process of germination, growth, maturity and decline. 中国现代民主主义文学经历了一个萌芽、成长、成熟和衰落的过程。
- The modem Chinese judicature was based on the appearance of the concept of nation. 中国近代司法的构建是在民族国家观念兴起的基础上才得以展开的。
- The word "and" is not conjunction, noun, preposition, so the meaning is equal to "ask" or "make" in modem Chinese. 认为:文中的“与”字,既不是连词,也不是名词或介词,而是一个含有使令意义的动词,其词义相当于现代汉语的“让”或“使”。
- With over 800,000 words and some 300 pictures,the Chinese Drama: Tibetan Volume was published in December,1993. 汇集300多张图片、80余万字的《中国戏曲·西藏卷》已于1993年12月正式出版发行。
- The Europeanization of the Chinese language is a historical process that has produced profound influences on the development of modem Chinese. 汉语的“欧化”曾经对现代汉语的发展产生过重要的影响。 文章论述了“欧化”的来龙去脉:提出它的历史背景;
- Yue Mei-ti is the winner of 4th Chinese Drama Plum Blossom Prize and Leading Role Prize of 4th Shanghai Magnolia Drama Prize. 第 四 届 中 国 戏 剧 梅 花 奖 和 第 四 届 上 海 戏 剧 白 玉 兰 主 角 奖 得 主。