- modem property right system 现代产权制度
- Modem Property Right System and Reform of Geological and Prospecting Industry Property Right System 浅议现代产权制度与地勘行业产权制度改革
- Intellectual property right system challenge and countermeasure II. 知识产权制度挑战与对策2。
- The Reform and Adaptation of Land Property Right System in Rural Areas of China after the Foundation of P.R.C. 建国后中国农村土地产权制度的改革与变通。
- The principle of establishing the property right system is the interiorization of externality cost of mine enterprise. 产权制度建立的原则是将矿山企业负外部性成本内化。
- The property right system innovation of the rural credit cooperatives (RCCs) of our country still needs a breakthrough. 摘要我国农村信用社产权制度创新仍需取得突破性进展。
- Thoughts and Tentative Ideas on Further Promoting the Reform of Property Right System of Dongfeng Liuzhou Automobile Co. LTD. 关于进一步推进东风柳州汽车有限公司产权制度改革的思考和初步设想。
- Urban land property right system is the basic section, as clarifying the property right is prerequisite for any transaction. 城市土地产权制度在城市地产交易制度中处于基础性地位,因为对于任何一项交易而言,产权明晰是交易的前提。
- The deficiencies in property right system are the major root of the inefficient performance of state-owned commercial banks. 本文回顾了国有商业银行的以往改革,从根本的产权制度上对其低下的绩效进行了分析,指出国有独资产权制度的缺陷是国有商业银行绩效低下的根源。
- Formulating modern property right system has been already put into agenda, accounting, auditing and financial management have to be redefined, too. 建立现代产权制度已经被正式提上日程 ,与其密不可分的会计学、审计学和财务管理学也需要我们的重新审视 ,以有利于现代产权制度的建立和我国社会主义经济的发展。
- On microcosmic angle, the illogicality of enterprise property right system restrict the progress of foreign capital"s Merger and Acquisition. 在微观上,我国企业产权制度不合理制约了外资并购的进程。
- So should reform the management and property right system to make the development of the rural credit cooperative go into the good path. 要以改革管理体制和产权制度为重点,使农村信用社的发展进入良性循环轨道。
- However,some problems in property right system have arisen since the recombinition of China Petroleum and Natural Gas Corporation. 重组改制后的中国石油存在着产权关系不清、产权结构不完善、产权主体不规范的问题。
- Accordingly, technical innovation and innovation of property right system are interdepend, each other is depend on sb or sth for existence. 因此,技术创新与产权制度创新是互相依赖,互为依存的。
- But, as a result of property right system reform is in our country is a new thing, encounter in practical test operation ask complexly not less.. 但是,由于产权制度改革在我国是一项新事物,在实际试验操作中遇到不少复杂的问...
- Tracing it to its cause, stateowned forest resource property right system not only is the key reason that causing problems, but also the starting point and the goal. 究其原因,国有森林资源产权制度是产生问题的关键,也是解决问题的出发点和最终归宿。
- Based on analysis on the problems of woodland property right system in collective forest areas, the paper puts forward the reform way of woodland property right system. 本文在分析集体林区林地产权制度缺陷的基础上,提出了林地产权制度改革途径。
- Brief analyse Yang Qiubao is in category of property right reform in the process that human society develops, property right system is not caky and changeless. 产权改革范畴简析杨秋宝在人类社会发展的过程中,产权制度不是凝固不变的。
- Installs a new modem and changes modem properties. 安装一个新调制解调器并更改调制解调器的属性。
- Clone entry and modem properties. 复制项目和调制解调器属性。