- The great revolutions in modern and contemporary China have emerged and grown on the basis of these basic contradictions. 伟大的近代和现代的中国革命,是在这些基本矛盾的基础之上发生和发展起来的。
- Mister Wu Feibai is a famous Mohist and logician in Chinese modern and contemporary history. 伍非百先生是中国近、现代著名的墨学家和逻辑学家。
- As the query of subjective consciousness grew of religion and ethical values, a pluralistic tendency of irony has occurred in the texts of modern and contemporary literature. 随着主体意识对宗教、伦理价值体系的质疑,现当代文学文本中出现了反讽的多元化倾向。
- Ge Hongbin: consultant, Ph.D of Shanghai University, critic for modern and contemporary literature, writer and brand expert. 葛红兵:顾问,上海大学教授博导,现当代文艺批评家,著名作家,品牌传播专家。
- Zhang Shi-zhao was a famous political commentator, sholar, lawer and social celebrity in the modern and contemporary history of china. 章士钊是中国近现代史上著名的政论家、学者、律师和社会名流。
- Modern and contemporary constitution and constitutionalism are products of historical development of Western civilization. 近现代意义上的宪法和宪政源于西方文化,是西方文明长期发展的产物。
- "I would sincerely doubt that chimpanzee art has ever been auctioned before," said Bonhams' director of modern and contemporary art, Howard Rutkowski. 伯罕斯拍卖行现当代艺术总监,霍华德-卢特考斯基说:“我相信以前从来没有人拍卖过黑猩猩的作品。
- Shanghai is not only a cradle of the development of modern and contemporary music in China but also an original place of music publication in China. 上海是中国近现代音乐发展的摇篮,也是我国音乐出版的发祥地。
- LIANG Qi-chao, a famous educationalist in Chinese modern and contemporary history, cared about woman's education at an early time.He advocated and originated schools for women. 摘要梁启超是中国近现代历史上著名的教育家,他较早地关注女于教育,提倡和创办女学。
- This system, emerging in the European Middle Ages, was established after the Bourgeoises` Revelution and improved in the democratic society of the modern and contemporary times. 是任何国家建立和发展行政诉讼制度的出发点。它产生于欧洲中世纪时期,形成于资产阶级革命以后,完善于近现代的民主、法治社会之中。
- The most significant split-split between scientism and humanism-in the history of western thought took place in western philosophy in modern and contemporary time. 摘要西方哲学在近现代发生了西方思想史上最重大的分裂,分裂为科学主义和人文主义两大思潮。
- Su Mansu, viewed in any aspect,is a "heretic" in modern and contemporary history and he is a "unique"character at the turn of Late Qing Dynasty and Early Republic of China. 近现代历史上,苏曼殊无论从哪个角度来看,都是“异数”,是清末民初“不可无一,不可有二”的人物。他的:惊世骇俗的生存方式,他自成风格的文艺创作,都是备受争议。
- Borrowing ideas from theories in Western literary genres will help to examine thoroughly and broaden aspects of theory studies on Chinese Modern and Contemporary essays. 借鉴西方文类研究理论,将有助于中国现当代散文(随笔)理论研究走向进一步拓展和深入。
- Do you read modern and contemporary novels like Nicholas Evans, Nicholas Sparks, Ian McEwan, John Banville, etc.? In your opinion, what tells an author from another? 你读现当代小说么,比如尼古拉斯.埃文斯、尼古拉斯.斯帕克斯、伊恩.麦克尤恩、约翰.邦维尔等人的小说?在你看来,是什么将一个作家与另一个作家区分开来?
- It is necessary that the conception of modernism and contemporary art could be sot forth . 然后充分阐述现代艺术、现代主义等概念,同时列举画家的作品便于从各方面谈写实的手法如何表现现代性的问题。
- Since the late nineteenth century, a glittering galaxy of artists and men of letters have made their homes in Shanghai and theirwork has added lustre to the city as a centre of modern and contemporary Chinese art and literature. 中国近、现代文化名人在上海的活动,使得上海为中国近、现代文化平添了无限的光彩。
- Cogito ,as the first principle of Descartes'metaphysical system, opens modern philosophy ofconsciousness and becomes modern and contemporary western philosophical discourse's sources and objectof discussion. 笛卡儿以“我思”作为形而上学体系的第一原则,开创了近代意识哲学,成为近现代西方哲学话语的源头和讨论对象。
- Data on three different periods, namely pre-contact, modern and contemporary Chinese are collected from literary works, latest newspapers and the Internet as well. A Chinese corpus is applied to gain useful statistics. 在语料选择方面,分接触前、现代与当代汉语三个时期,从文学作品、最新的报纸、以及因特网上采集语料,并利用汉语语料库,语料采集以及使用尽量配合语法欧化的定性,分析考察当代书面汉语语法欧化的特点。
- Media-translatology is a new science in recent years, which broadens the areas of comparative literature, translation study and even modern and contemporary Chinese literary studies. 摘要译介学是近年兴起不久的新兴学科,它拓展了比较文学、翻译学乃至中国现当代文学研究的领域,展示出极大的学术研究空间。
- With the development of modern and contemporary history, villa in shanghai had experienced rise, development, evolvement, a series of evolutional process which is devious and plentiful. 本文通过对上海别墅演变的历史性描述和资料性整理,揭示了上海别墅的发展历程和特点。