- modern flower arrangement art 现代插花艺术
- In the process of development Japanese flower arrangement experienced such forms as offerings in front of Buddha,sacrificial offerings in temple, decorations in the palace, spread among the people and finally the modern flower arrangement. 在其发展过程中经历佛前供花、寺庙祭坛插花、宫庭插花、民间插花和现代插花几个过程 .
- Famous Flower Designer: Cai Zhongjuan's Flower Arrangement Art 流行色:芳园花影别样情
- This is an artistic flower arrangement. 这是精巧的插花。
- Flower arrangement is an art that I know nothing of. 我对插花艺术一窍不通。
- He is the author of three books on the art of flower arrangement. 他写了三本有关插花艺术的书。
- My flower arrangement needs more foliage. 我的插花作品还得多要些枝叶.
- Her flower arrangement won first prize. 她的插花赢得头奖。
- Her flower arrangement was a monstrosity. 她的花真是难看死了。
- flower arrangement art 古典插花
- A flower arrangement in a vase, please. 请插一个瓶花。
- I have some interest in flower arrangement. 我对插花有一点兴趣。
- I need a flower arrangement in a basket. 我需要一个花篮。
- Ikebana: Japanese art of flower arranging. 插花日本编排花枝的古典艺术。
- Ikebana: Japanese art of flower arranging. 插花日本编排花枝的古典艺术。
- Mrs Hendson walked off with the first prize in flower arrangement. 宁得森太太获得了插花比赛的头奖。
- One of the scheduled events is a talk on flower arranging. 安排的活动中有一项是插花艺术讲座。
- For modern flower growers, the equivalent of the Semper Augustus is the blue rose, which horticulturalists have longed for since the Victorian period. 在现代花卉栽培者看来,堪与“永远的奥古斯都”相提并论的唯有蓝色玫瑰。
- Good. I'm interested in lessons in flower arrangement. 好的。我对插花课很有兴趣。
- Sister Lee and her students in the flower arrangement course. 李师姊授课及学员听课的情形。