- modern heavy color painting 现代重彩画
- On the Ups and Downs of the Heavy Color Painting 重彩画兴衰说
- There is interest purchase; oneself can look for the superior who visit the heavy colorful painting, coming to purchase directly. 有兴趣的购买者可自己寻访重彩画的高手,直接上门购买。
- Through comparison with the traditional heavy colored drawings, this paper shows the pluralism and liberalization of the modern heavy colored drawing in the language and technique of expression. 本文通过传统重彩画和现代重彩画的比较表明了现代重彩画形式语言和表现手法的多元化和自由化。 从而突出了现代重彩画的艺术特点和技巧美。
- The batik heavy color painting 蜡染重彩画
- Modernistic Heavy Colored Drawing and the Language of Art 现代重彩画及其艺术语言
- The step of color painting may be a bit too difficult for me. 那我看彩绘部分可能对我来说也是有点儿太复杂了。
- Development of modern heavy industries and modern service industries to speed up development of highlevel and moderate heavy industries. 发展现代重化工业和现代服务业,加快产业高级化和重型化。
- On the one hand, it was under the influence of Orthodox Church, with heavy color of idealism. 一方面,它深受东正教福音教义的影响,理想主义色彩相当浓厚;
- Used as high gloss varnish, color paint, transparent putty and undercoat by mixed with other components. 适用于配作各种清漆、色漆、透明腻子、底漆等。
- There is a most salient feature in the kites made in Yangjiabu.It's a combination of Yangjiabu's woodblock New Year pictures and kite color painting. 杨家埠的风筝有一个最突出的特点,就是将杨家埠的木板年画儿和风筝的彩绘融合在了一起。
- After many years of hard efforts, Anyuan has developed into a modern heavy industrial specialized enterprise with certain scale and increasing economic profit and social profit. 经过多年来的辛勤建设,安远已发展成具有相当规模,经济效益和社会效益日益增长的现代化重工专业企业。
- From design, production, upholster,color painting to decal, we have professional technicians and advanced equipments for the whole producing process. 拥有从设计、生产到彩绘、贴花、装潢的技术人员多名。
- It will feature dance and musical performances but the main theme will be color painting, and students of different age groups are also invited to participate. 有跳舞嘛有音乐演奏毋恪卡特别耶是以画彩色耶图为主,嘛有请各年纪耶学生囡仔去参加。
- There was an American art evaluator said that his painting was more like an installation work, because the complex mounting art an ink and color painting requires. 曾经有一位美国艺术评价家说他的画更像是一个装置作品,那是因为水墨画的复杂装裱工艺。
- The product design drawing methods mainly include the pale color painting,gouache,watercolor picture,color powder picture,marker drawing and the computer aided design. 产品设计绘画方法主要包括淡彩画、水粉画、色粉画、麦克笔画和计算机辅助设计。
- Carmine and pastel drawing of glass combined with Snow White, elegance in a warm, the snow garden pavilions to carmine color painting, a unique artistic effect. 胭脂红与粉彩玻璃白结合绘制雪景,素雅中呈现暖色调,园林楼台中的雪景,以胭脂红颜料绘画,有独特的艺术效果。
- Browse through the art vendors, colorful paintings. 浏览艺术家们丰富色彩的绘画,透过那些精致的铁门,向内偷窥那些精心照看的花园。
- Modern paintings are not to my taste. 现代画不合我的口味。
- Contain vitaminic C and bizarre fruit extract, reduce what with the rule wheat pulls peaceful melanin effectively to secrete, improve An heavy color of skin, your skin is brighter white. 含有维他命C和奇异果萃取物,有效减少和规律麦拉宁黑色素的分泌,改善黯沉肤色,令肌肤更亮白。