- Lip Medex also helps to restore a healthy moisture balance to lips. 快速作用于双唇,缓解双唇的火辣灼热感觉。
- An aspiration psychrometer could destroy a delicate moisture balance. 抽吸式干湿球温度计能够破坏细微的水分平衡。
- Our nnse-off facial cleanser can help you fight off acne. Say goodbye to excess oil and dirt.Say hello to supple skin a natural moisture balance. 泡沫丰盈幼滑,能彻底去除污垢及过剩的油脂分泌,有效预防及控制粉刺,暗疮的形成,并能在肌肤上形成天然的平衡保护膜,使肌肤保持清爽而柔软。
- I am a frequent hand washer and this lotion replenishes the moisture balance quickly and pleasantly. 我是个经常洗手的人,这款乳液很快的补充保湿平衡,而且还很舒适。
- Use after bath or shower, it replenishes the skin maintaining a perfect moisture balance. 每日沐浴后涂抹于全身,可预防肌肤表面的松弛速度,让劳累一整天的肌肤可以快速恢复光滑及弹性。
- For dry, damaged/ brittled hair to replenish moisture balance and conditioning damaged hair. 乾燥、受损易断发质适用,高效滋养及修护秀发。
- Its rich creamy lather foams dirt and impurities away allowing your skin to retain its natural moisture balance. 其丰富的奶油泡沫泡沫污垢及杂质远离让你的皮肤保持其天然水分平衡。
- An oil-free hydrator that continuously maintains the essential moisture balance on the surface of the skin. 蕴含珊瑚藻精华能平衡矿物质的吸收,有效降低肌肤敏感、绷紧及粗糙等现象;保持肌肤亮泽健康,充满弹性。
- Directions:Massage into skin as often as repuired to maintain its natural moisture balance. 使用方法:建议每天使用,按摩皮肤,以保持天然的湿度平衡。
- Its gentle alcohol free formula enriched with Sea Minerals and ProVitamin B5 softly refreshes your skin while respecting its natural moisture balance. 蕴含深海矿物精华及维生素原B5,温和不含酒精配方,柔润肌肤,保持肌肤水分平衡。
- Detoxifying: Break through the traditional moisture balance technology, prevent acne forming, and timely solve the greasy and rough skin problems at the same time. 排毒:突破传统水份平衡技术,预防暗疮形成,令油光及粗糙问题同时得到解决。
- Planting the sandbreak forest by artificial snow-pack method on the drift dune in the fringe of farmland needn't worry about the moisture balance problem. 荒漠林的生长良好是靠小密度造成的单株水分营养面积大促成的。在农田边缘的流动沙丘上,应用人工积雪的方法按上述密度营造固沙林,可不用疑虑水分平衡的问题。
- Bee Pollen-Jojoba Moisture Cream instantly re-hydrates and nourishes normal, dry, and extra dry skins and maintains the vital moisture balance needed for healthy, vibrant, and youthful skin. 花粉荷荷芭保湿霜能迅速滋养普通肌肤,干性肌肤以及非常干燥的肌肤,而且维持肌肤中的所需要的湿润是对保持健康,年轻肌肤非常重要的。
- The heated air drinks up the moisture of the earth. 热空气把土里的湿气都吸干了。
- She performed on the balance beam with much grace. 她在平衡木上表演得非常优美。
- It absorbs moisture from the air. 它吸收空气中的水分。
- The plants drink in moisture from the atmosphere. 植物从大气中吸取水分。
- The desert air contains hardly any moisture. 沙漠的空气几乎不含一点湿气。
- Losing balance, he plumped against the doorpost. 没有站稳,他一头撞在门柱上。