- Watermark Soil Moisture SensorThe Watermark Soil Moisture Sensor to pinpoint soil moisture levels and trends affordably. 水迹土壤湿度传感器:可记录标准土壤湿度或可容纳湿度。
- Pogue, W. R.(1990)Watermark soil moisture sensor - an update, an ASAE meeting presentation pape. International winter meeting No. 90-2582, Hyatt Regency Chicago, Illinois, USA. 陈怡雯(2003)土壤保水曲线与水旱田田间需水量之研究。立德管理学院资源环境研究所硕士论文,72页。
- Improve the head of moisture sensor, adopt the structure of furcation and single piece.Moisture sensor were whole shield with the external world, raise the test accuracy. 对传感器的结构形式进行了改进,采用叉指形单片式平面电容结构,并将传感器整体与外界屏蔽,提高了测试精度。
- Al2O3 moisture sensor is a new type water sensor, which can measure minim water.There is very important application in the drying process of the materiel and in the monitor &measurement of the milieu. 氧化铝湿度传感器是一种新型的测量微量水分的传感器,在物料干燥和环境湿度监测中都具有重要的应用。
- A lot of biosensors including temperature sensor, moisture sensor, and gas sensor and so forth have been proposed such that the front end of the implantable system can get the wanted signals. 可植入式的系统前端是由许多的生医感测器所组成,这些生医感测器包括温度感测器、溼度感测器和气体感测器等等。
- The Design of Capacitance Crude Oil Moisture Sensor 电容式原油含水率传感器设计
- advanced microwave moisture sensor 高级微波水汽遥感器
- Research of Same Point Measure about Infrared Moisture Sensor 红外水分传感器同点检测
- Research of Soil Moisture Sensor Based on Transmission Line Theory 基于传输线理论的土壤水分传感器的性能试验
- Mathematical Model of Capacitive-type Moisture Sensor 电容式固态物含水率传感器的模型
- Signals from pumps' built in thermal contacts and moisture sensors are also connected to the PLC. If problem of overheating or leakage is found, the pump will be stopped automatically. 剩余污泥泵内置的温度及渗漏保护讯号将接至plc,如水泵发生超温及渗水,水泵自动停止。
- Development of Fuel Moisture Sensor in the Remote Automatic System 林火天气站可燃物含水率传感器的研制
- The heated air drinks up the moisture of the earth. 热空气把土里的湿气都吸干了。
- Study on resistance-variation type polymer moisture sensor 高分子电阻型湿度传感器的研究
- It absorbs moisture from the air. 它吸收空气中的水分。
- The plants drink in moisture from the atmosphere. 植物从大气中吸取水分。
- The desert air contains hardly any moisture. 沙漠的空气几乎不含一点湿气。
- Air and moisture tarnish silver. 空气和潮湿使银子失去光泽。
- The rubber seal is designed to keep out all the moisture. 橡胶的密封垫是用以隔绝湿气的。
- Hardware Calibrating Methods of the Nonlinearity of Ceramic Moisture Sensor 陶瓷湿敏传感器非线性的硬件校正方法