- A mole burrows its way through the ground. 鼹鼠会在地下钻洞前进。
- They have found out the mole in the cabinet. 他们已经发现了内阁中的间谍。
- She has a tiny mole on her cheek. 她面颊上有一颗小痣。
- The mole on her face marks her off from other girls. 她脸上的黑痣使她跟别的姑娘有所区别。
- The girl has a tiny mole on her cheek. 这女孩在脸颊上有一颗小小的痣。
- The hunter watched for the hare to come out of the burrow. 猎人守候着兔子从洞里出来。
- mole burrow 动物穴
- The mole bored (its way) underground. 鼹鼠在地下挖掘(路)。
- The authorities believe there is a mole at the Treasury. 当局认为财政部里有内奸。
- The squirrel stores nuts in its burrow. 小松鼠将干果贮藏在地洞里。
- A mole is a blemish on a person's skin. 黑痣在人的皮肤上是一个疵点。
- A small mound of loose earth raised by a burrowing mole. 鼹鼠丘一个由挖洞的鼹鼠弄起来的小堆松散的泥土
- To burrow or hide in the ground. 藏身或躲避到地下.
- You burrow and rankle in his heart! 你挖掘并折磨他的心灵!
- That mole is a blemish on his face. 那个黑痣是他脸上的缺点。
- The hare shot from its burrow and the hound made after it at top speed. 野兔从洞里闪出来,猎狗飞快地紧追不舍。
- A black mole on her left arm remarks her. 她左臂上的一黑痣是她的特征。
- Earthworms burrow deep into the soil. 蚯蚓钻土很深。
- He was afraid that they would burrow into his past. 他担心他们会追查他的过去。
- Containing one mole of a substance. 含有一摩尔物质的