- monetary expected value 金融期望值
- The expected value itself very rarely can help us. 期望值本身很难帮助我们。
- The expected value of a random variable. 期望值随意可。
- The expected value of a positive integral power of a random variable. The first moment is the mean of the distribution. 矩,动差任意变量的正整数功效的期望值。第一个矩是分配的平均数
- Describes the expected value and usage of the literal. 描述文本所需的值和用法。
- So how do you calculate the expected value for your investment in a tool? 那么如何计算投资某种工具的期望值?
- If the start of the banner matches the expected value, the resource is considered to be online. 如果横幅的开头与期望值匹配,则认为该资源已联机。
- The term expectation value is often used instead of average value. 期望值这个名称常用来代替平均值。
- The n-th moment of a distribution is the expected value of the n-th power of the deviations from a fixed value. 分布的n阶是指偏离固定值的n次幂的期望值。
- The measure of the difference between the mean value and some maximum expected value for a particular data reading. 一个特定数据的读取中,对平均值与某种最大期望值之间的差的度量。
- The properties of fuzzy expected value operator and the convexity of fuzzy expected value model are discussed. 引入了模糊变量的期望值的新定义,讨论了期望值算子的基本性质及模糊期望值模型的凸性。
- Heilpern S.The expected value of a fuzzy number[J].Fuzzy Sets and Systems,1992(47):81 -86. 谭满益;唐小我.;模糊需求下的产品供给能力初步研究[J]
- A typical way to do this is to generate a value and then compare it with an expected value by using an Assert.AreEqual statement. 实现该目的的典型方法是生成一个值;然后使用Assert.;AreEqual语句将该值与预期值进行比较。
- In this case, when the shorter length is converted to a longer data type variable, the bits in the upper 8 bits may not be set to the expected value. 这种情况下,当长度较短的变量转换为较长的数据类型变量时,上8位中的位将不能设置为期望的值。
- If you need the new value at the time of the click, one option is to calculate what the expected value will be based on the current value. 如果您在单击时需要新值,一个选项是根据当前值计算所需的值是什么。
- Then two new models are formulated as the expected value model and the dependent-chance programming model according to various decision criteria. 根据不同的决策准则建立了模糊期望值模型和模糊相关机会约束规划模型。
- By forming project strategy and increasing activitiescosts, the objective of maximizing the expected value of projects capital investment is a chieved. 模型的目标是通过制定项目实施策略和对活动追加费用,降低项目失败风险,实现项目期望收益最大化。
- This paper decomposes the time of action based on attribute model of action.Queue theory is employed to calculate the expected value of action time. 在活动属性模型的基础上,对活动时间进行了分解,利用排队论计算单个活动时间的期望值;
- The monetary unit of Great Britain is the pound. 英国的货币单位是镑。
- The final table indicates the expected revenue per 100 bets and a $1000 wager every time a positive expected value occured. 最后一个表显示,每10赌注,1000美元的每次下注的积极预期收入的期望值发生。