- He threw a monkey wrench into our plans. 他打破了我们的计划
- Hey, ace, hand me that monkey wrench. 喂,傻瓜,把那把活动扳手递给我。
- Bill's code changes threw a monkey wrench into the new software. 比尔的代码发生变化把整个新软件都搞砸了。
- Well, these changes really throw a monkey wrench into the system. 喂,这些变化真是使系统乱成一团糟。
- Some cluck came in and asked for a lefthanded monkey wrench. 有个傻瓜进来要借一把供左撇子使用的活动扳手。
- He'd send him to White Front Garage for a left-handed monkey wrench. 他会叫他到白门面汽车修理店去拿一左旋活动扳手。
- All the plans for the party were going smoothly until Tricia threw a monkey wrench into the works. 所有的舞会计划本来都有条不紊,结果翠西把一切都搞砸了。
- A federal judge threw a monkey wrench into the project to build a new oil refinery on the river. 新闻报道说:“联邦法官终止了在河上修建新的炼油厂的工程。
- We were about to begin construction on the building but the contractor threw a monkey wrench into the project. 这幢楼我们正要动工,承包商却从中作梗,使工程没法继续。
- The new tax law threw a monkey wrench into tax saving techniques for families, including ways of sheltering income earned by teens. 新税法破坏了一般家庭省税的办法,包括20岁以下家庭成员收入免税规定在内。
- But you guessed it;the third conjugation has to throw a monkey wrench into this pattern to make it more complicated. 不过就像你已经猜到的,第三类动词变化阻挠了这个模式的运作并使其更加复杂。
- The new tax law threw a monkey wrench into tax saving techniques for families,including ways of sheltering income earned by teens. 新税法破坏了一般家庭省税的办法,包括20岁以下家庭成员收入免税规定在内。
- But the boss threw a monkey wrench i nto our plans today when he told me I have to go to a business meeting in New York next week. 但是,老?今天突然要我下星期去纽约参加一个会议,这下可把我们全家人的计划都打破了。
- There have been warnings before, of course. But this, among other things, was a monkey wrench tossed right into a presidential campaign. 当然,此前也有过类似警告,不过,这恰恰是适逢总统大选的困扰性问题之一。
- But the boss threw a monkey wrench into our plans today when he told me I hxdye to go to a business meeting in New York next week. 但是,老板今天突然要我下星期去纽约参加一个会议,这下可把我们一家人的计划都给破坏了。”
- But the boss threw a monkey wrench into our plans today when he told me I have to go to a business meeting in New York next week. 但是,老板今天突然要我下星期去纽约参加一个会议,这下可把我们一家人的计划都给破坏了。”
- On September 5th the Bank of England got its monkey wrench out and tackled one issue, the half-percentage-point gap between overnight lending rates and its official benchmark. 在9月5号,英国央行拿出其管钳,修理一个部分,即那位于隔夜拆贷及其官方利率之间的0.;5%25利差。
- The great monkey wrench in that theory was the common gray squirrel, which lives an amazing two decades, yet also expresses telomerase in great quantity. 这一理论的主要依据在于普通的灰松鼠,它们可以惊人地存活二十年,并且还有大量的端粒酶表达。
- throw a monkey wrench in the works 阻挠; 破坏
- throw a monkey wrench into the transmission 干涉, 妨碍, 破坏