- monogenic inheriteddisease 单基因遗传病
- Objective:Aim to treat human monogenic inherited diseases and cancers. 目的:基因治疗人类单基因遗传病和癌症。
- A semigroup generated by a single element is said to be monogenic (or cyclic ). 被一个单一元素生成的半群叫做 单基因 的(或 循环 的)。
- Results: The true pattern in the palmar hypothenar area showed the pedigree character of monogenic trait in 5 families. 结果:发现手掌小鱼际区真实花纹在五个家系中表现单基因性状的系谱特点。
- Segregation analysis showed that uterine myomas did not possess the characteristics of monogenic model. 分离比为00443,远低于025,不符合单基因遗传疾病的特征;
- Meanwhile,more and more endocrine and metabolic diseases caused by monogenic mutations have been discovered. 同时,越来越多的单基因突变所致的内分泌代谢疾病被发现。
- Objective: (1) To study the gene mutation in a pedigree with Dowling-Meara type epidermolysis bullosa simplex(DW-EBS) of monogenic disease. 寻找单基因病痒疹样亚型单纯型大疱性表皮松解症(DM-EBS)一家系的基因突变位点。
- As for T3826C in family 1 and T3826C in 7, there was not sufficient evidence supporting the monogenic explanations of esophageal cancers in families. 而在家系1(T3826C)和7(T3826C)的结果不支持它是单一的高风险基因。
- If a monogenic semigroup is infinite then it is isomorphic to the semigroup of positive integers with the operation of addition. 如果单基因半群是无限的,则它同构于带有加法运算的正整数的半群。
- The distribution of the natural logarithms of urinary testosterone concentrations showed a distinct bimodal pattern in both groups, suggesting a monogenic inheritance. 自然的尿睾酮浓度分布在两组中都显示双峰型,提示单基因遗传模式决定。
- The hemoglobin disorders of thalassemia is the most prevalent group of human monogenic diseases,which results from globin protein chain peptide synthesis imbalance. 地中海贫血是最常见的单基因遗传病,它是由于珠蛋白肽链合成量之间不平衡导致,所以纠正珠蛋白肽链失衡成为地中海贫血治疗研究的关键。
- Genetic analysis showed that either one of these two mutants has a monogenic recessive mutation in a nuclear gene, and that the two mutations in two independent mutants are allelic to each other. 鉴定、分离与植物耐低钾性状连锁的基因将有可能对培育钾高效作物品种有重要意义。
- The Genetics of Human Monogenic Obesity 人类单基因肥胖的遗传学基础
- On the properties of monogenic semigroup 单演半群的几条性质
- disease of monogenic inheritance 单基因遗传病
- Keywords Monogenic mutation;Diabetes;Obesity; 单基因突变;糖尿病;肥胖病;
- monogenic free inverse semigroup 自由单演逆半群
- Monogenic Inheritance Analysis on Non-specific Mental Retardation 非特异性精神发育迟滞单基因遗传方式探讨
- Inheritance Patterns of the Human Monogenic Diseases 人类单基因遗传病的遗传方式
- Genetic study of monogenic diabetes and obesity in Chinese 中国人单基因突变糖尿病及肥胖病的研究