- I do the same things month in, month out. 我每月都做同样的事情。
- Month in,month out,he used to give me an excuse for not paying the rent. 他以前每月都找个借口,不交房租给我。
- month in month out 月月; 每月
- Month in and month out,the experts are carrying on their experiments with full confidence. 专家们满怀信心一月又一月地进行着实验。
- Month in and month out, the experts are carrying on their experiments with full confidence. 专家们满怀信心一月又一月地进行着实验。
- Mr Zhang is the staff member of airline program branch, a few days that at the beginning of every month in and month out are his tightest life normally. 张先生是航空公司规划部门的工作人员,每月月初的那几天通常是他最紧张的日子。
- Alleged often teach, basically be those who maintain education is regular, cannot month in and month out, teach every day, but also want fixed or nonsked education. 所谓经常教育,主要是保持教育的经常性,不能月月、天天教育,但也要定期或不定期的教育。
- I press my suit Budda, let us written guarantee again predestined relationship of a paragraph of dirt, be in love to had accompanied month in and month out annual. 佛说:除非海枯石烂、沧海变桑田。于是我求佛祖,来世把我变成一只填海的燕,历尽千辛直到把大海填满,换你我的今生缘。
- January is the coldest month in a year. 正月是一年当中最冷的月份。
- August is the eighth month in a year. 八月是一年中的第八个月。
- At the beginning of March, "Where had seen you " in clean out treasure to sell the home " dak of month in and month out " shop " month in and month out is big " in bought a summer clothing. 3月初,“哪里见过你”在淘宝卖家“月月驿站”的店铺“月月大码”里买了一件夏装。
- July is the hottest month in a year in my hometown. 在我的家乡,七月是一年里最热的一月。
- After a month in hospital, she is back in circulation. 住了一个月的医院后,她又重新活跃起来了。
- The day (1 through the number of days in month). 日(1到month中的天数)。
- He spent several months in a Nazi concentration camp before he broke out. 他在纳粹集中营里关了几个月后逃了出来。
- For the first time in months he was in the black at the bank. 几个月来他的银行户头上第一次有了盈余。
- They averaged out his income at 1200 yuan a month in 1998. 他们计算出他在1998年月平均收入为1200元.
- After only a month in the job, he felt restless and decided to leave. 那工作他只干了一个月就厌倦了,决定不干了。
- He spent two months in prison before he broke out. 他越狱逃走之前在狱中坐牢两个月。
- The cost of living seems set to drop for the third month in succession. 生活费用持续下降,眼看就快三个月了。