- The fairies are dancing in the bright moon light. 仙女们在明亮的月光下跳着舞。
- Walk with the bright moon light in the evening. 我愿晚上在明亮的月光下散步。
- The moon light enhanced the beauty of the scene. 月光增加了景色之美。
- You can see the house with the help of moon light. 借助月光你可以看到这所房子。
- They would speak of earthlight just as we speak of moon light. 他们会说这是地球光,就像我们说是月光一样。
- The water looked peaceful and yellow in the moon light. 海水非常平静,在日光下变成了黄色。
- The moon light comes into the room throughthe window. 月光穿过窗户照进房里。
- Through a break in the clouds the moon lit the sea. 月亮透过云层的空隙照亮了海面。
- When he saw a black shadow in the moon light, he was green about the gills. 他在月光下看到一个黑影, 吓得脸色发白。
- Caption:: Under moon night, moon bright and stars dim. Brilliant moon light shine on the ground, turn darkness into brightness. 月夜下,月明星稀,月亮的光芒映照在大地上,使本应漆黑的大地变得光明。
- A Moon, a bloodred full Moon lights my black hearts night. 一轮皎月,一轮血红的圆月照亮我那黑心之夜。
- We can only see the part of the moon lighted by sunlight. 我们只能看到被阳光照射到的那部分月球。
- Angel Such a brightness Such a serenity Is it the scattering moon light? Or just the Angel coming down? 这份皎洁这份安详是散落的月色还是天使降临?
- Via dense frog, shrubs look like ghost and street lamps look as moon light with gentle halation. 浓密厚重的雾使树木看起来像鬼魂,街灯看起来像是带着柔和光晕的月亮。
- The dark nights breathe the mystery of the unknow into everyting, like moon light in a cemetery. 漆黑的夜晚向世间万物散发着如墓地月光般神秘的未知世界的气息。
- Can anyone tell me where I can find the guzheng tablature for a song called phoenix under the moon light please? 请问,我在哪儿可以找到月光下的凤尾竹古筝谱曲?谢谢。
- Want to come dimly, I already had had the alley that did not set foot on this for long to shed full moon light. 依稀想来,我已有好长时间没有踏上这条洒满月光的小路了。
- A superb moon light mink is called because of its soft, comfortable and elegance classic desgin. 晶莹可人,柔软舒适,高尚经典,以上形容非这月光貂披肩莫属。
- Like any full moon, tonight's moon lights up the nighttime from dusk till dawn. 像任何满月,今夜的月光从黄昏到黎明都会照亮夜空。
- There are four major scenic spots:Flute Pavilion of Eastern Han Dynasty, Autumn Boating on Jianhu Lake, Stroll in the Moon Light along Five Bridges and Calabash Drunken lslet. 她既能与柯岩景区连缀一起,山水兼容、岩湖互衬,又可单独成景,风光秀丽。