- moral mutual recognition 道德共识
- A successful team comes from mutual recognition. 成功的团队来自相互赞扬。
- EPPO will increase its role regarding mutual recognition and minor uses. 植保会增加它的作用就相互承认和次要用途.
- The two countries made mutual recognition of each other's sovereignty. 两国正式承认了对方的主权。
- The SCL is a signatory to the Global Mutual Recognition Arrangement for National Measurement Institutes operated by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures. 实验所是国家计量院全球互认协定的签署成员之一,该协定由国际计量局经办。
- Pollen and pistil of the mutual recognition of angiosperm achieve fertilization play a decisive role. 花粉与雌蕊的相互识别对被子植物实现受精起决定性的作用。
- The high petrel believed that the real estate market buyer point of view reason lies in the base mutual recognition not to form. 高海燕认为,楼市购买者心态没有回来的原因在于底部共识没有形成。
- The enterprise culture has the contemporaneity,the mutual recognition, the humanity and the continuous characteristics. 企业文化具有时代性、共识性、人文性和延续性的特征。
- Now cannot form a formalization the base mutual recognition, such property whole returns to the market is not too possible. 如今不能形成一个规模化的底部共识,这样置业者整体回归到市场就不太可能。
- The engineering qualifications of locally educated engineers have gained mutual recognition from Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, the UK, the US and South Africa. 在本地取得的工程师资格在澳洲、加拿大、爱尔兰、新西兰、英国、美国及南非等地均获得承认。
- CEPA framework, Hong Kong registered with the scheme through examinations through the site in reply. Every year around 100 people each, achieving mutual recognition. CEPA框架中,与香港注册互认是通过考试,通过双方的现场答辩,每年有各100人左右的指标,达到互认。
- It can be expected that following the certification of IT professional qualifications in Hong Kong, progress will be made in the mutual recognition of corporate qualifications. 预料继IT专业技术资格互认后,未来在企业资格互认方面亦会有所进展。
- In this part, the author also carry on the related content of "Service Trade Always To reach an agreement" and "Basel Agreement" which has been achieved the mutual recognition. 在这一部分中,笔者还对国际上对外资银行监管问题达成共识的《服务贸易总协定》和《巴塞尔协议》的相关内容进行了评述。
- The afforestation, the beautified environment, the advocation nature, has become the cosmopolis to walk the sustainable road's mutual recognition and the practical action. 植树造林、美化环境、崇尚自然,已成为国际大都市走可持续之路的共识和实际行动。
- Third, in the strengthening Theoretical armament, in eradicates the ideological obstacle, in the condensation scientific progress mutual recognition to work hard newly. 三是新在强化理论武装,在破除思想障碍、凝聚科学发展共识上下功夫。
- In addition, due to entrenched ideological differences, leaders on both sides are employing more political wisdom and courage to advance mutual recognition and understanding. 此外;由于根深蒂固的思想分歧;双方领导者(正在)带有更多政治智慧和勇气推进相互的认可和理解.
- Park forever duckweed committee member: An enterprise must succeed the innovation, depends on its enterprise culture and the community mutual recognition. 苑永萍委员:一个企业要成功创新,有赖于它的企业文化和群体共识。
- Moral taint has spread among young people. 道德的败坏在年轻人之间蔓延。
- NIM is the signatory to the Mutual Recognition Arrangement( MRA) for national measurement standards and for calibration and measurement certificates issued by national metrology institutes. 中国计量科学研究院于1999年代表中国签署了“国家计量基标准及国家计量研究院出具的校准和测量证书相互承认协议”。
- The mutual recognition agreements with Mainland professional bodies and the further liberalization measure for quantity surveyors are important achievements for Hong Kong surveyors to offer their services in the Mainland. 多项与内地团体签订的资格互认协议和进一步对工料测量师的开放措施,都是香港测量师在内地拓展服务的重要成就。