- Thus they are apt to adopt some kind of historicist moral theory. 这样,他们就倾向于采取某种历史决定论的道德学说。
- After virtue : a study in moral theory / Alasdair Macintyre. 题名责任 245 10 %24aAnarchy; state and Utopia %24c Robert Nozick.
- The ex ante perspective in legal theory is loosely connected with consequentialist( or utilitarian or welfarist) approaches to moral theory. 法律理论中的事后的视角与道德理论中的结果论(者说是功利主义、利主义)在一定松散的关联。
- The ex ante perspective in legal theory is loosely connected with consequentialist (or utilitarian or welfarist) approaches to moral theory. 法律理论中的事后的视角与道德理论中的结果论(或者说是功利主义、福利主义)存在一定松散的关联。
- Moral dilemma and moral luck as problems; search for a moral theory; fact and value; character and action; Hobbes; examination of local cases. 道德的两难局面及巧合情况、道德理论的探索、事实与价值、品格与行为、霍布士、本地个案的研究方法。
- Ogyu Sorai raised “public moral theory”, emphasizing its importance in every aspect in society. 荻生徂徕则提出“公论”,强调“公”的领域在社会各个层面的重要意义。
- To outstand moral experience for moral education is one of the new viewpoints among moral theory researches. 在道德教育中凸显体验是德育理论研究中的一个新视点。
- The ex post perspective in legal theory is also loosely connected with deontological approaches to moral theory. 法律理论中的事后的视角与道德理论中的道义论分析路径存在一定松散的关联。
- It reflects his cosmological theory,moral theory and his theory of moral accomplishment. “致良知”是他的宇宙论、道德论,也是其修养论。
- Know the pottery and walk and know the moral theory of life systematically,Of value to moderns and draw beneficial nutrition from it,Surmount the... 系统地认识陶行知生活德育理论,有益于从中汲取有益的营养,超越知性德育,构建生活德育。
- In the time of various schools of thoughts and their exponents, each school had their characteristics on friend relationship and its moral theory. 在那个诸子蜂起,学派纷呈的时代,各家各派关于朋友关系及其道德的理论也是各具特色。
- This paper applies Weber's categorization to the legitimacy analysis of Chinese traditional polities and the systematization of Confucian politico - moral theory. 本文借用韦伯的分类方法;对中国的传统政治的正当性形态作了分疏及解释;并把儒家的政道观系统化.
- China's traditional narrative puts aside the antithesis of words and their meanings, with subject evading object of knowledge, and forms an enlightening mode of moral theory. 中国传统叙事抛开言意对立,以主体境界回避知识客体,形成基于认知主体的道德论启蒙模式。
- The fourth part mainly discusses the deism of Smith and explains the meaning of Smith’s “invisible hand” and summarizes the whole structure of Smith’s moral theory. 第四部分主要讨论斯密的自然神论思想,阐述斯密“看不见的手”的含义,并对斯密道德理论的整体结构加以总结。
- Hanfei brought forward “human relationship theory” after inheriting Legalism; Ogyu Sorai raised “public moral theory”, emphasizing its importance in every aspect in society. 韩非集法家思想之大成,提出“人情论”;荻生徂徕则提出“公论”,强调“公”的领域在社会各个层面的重要意义。
- Through studying deeply ancient China Mencius' moral choice theory we will have a good understanding of the importance of moral choice in moral theory and moral practice. 通过深入地研究中国古代孟子的道德选择理论,将有助于我们了解道德选择在道德理论和道德实践中的重要作用。
- Furthermore, after drawing the outline of Hume's moral theory, I will analyze the moral language used by him and discuss the objectivity of moral judgments in his theory. 并且在刻划休姆道德理论之轮廓后,对休姆道德语言的使用与分类,以及道德判断的客观性,作一分析与讨论。
- Subsequently,a moral theory is the attempt to explain,justify,and make visible "the moral system that people use in making their moral judgments and how to act when confronting a moral problem". 这就自然要谈到道德理论,道德理论旨在解释人们在进行道德判断时使用的道德体系以及对道德问题的回应,为道德体系出具充分的理由,并使该体系彰显。
- Kant's moral theory is called a rationalistic theory of value because he believes that reason alone, through the investigation of our moral concepts, can discover what we ought to do. 康德相信,通过对我们的道德概念进行研究,理性自身可以发现我们应该怎样做,所以他的道德理论被称为价值的理性理论。
- Subsequently, a moral theory is the attempt to explain, justify, and make visible "the moral system that people use in making their moral judgments and how to act when confronting a moral problem". 这就自然要谈到道德理论,道德理论旨在解释人们在进行道德判断时使用的道德体系以及对道德问题的回应,为道德体系出具充分的理由,并使该体系彰显。