- Do not do an immoral thing for moral reasons! 不要为道德的原因去做不道德的事。
- The first chapter of this essay is to identify and justify a moral reason to aid. 本文第一章所进行的工作,正是去指认并证成帮助他人的道德理由。
- It is mankind's instinct for moral reasoning in action. 这是人类道德观念的本能在起作用。
- In a city state the social organization is not autocratic, because among the same class of townsmen, there is no moral reason why one should be more important than, or superior to, another. 在一个城邦里,社会组织不是独裁的,因为在同一个市民阶级之内,没有任何道德上的理由认为某个人应当比别人重要,或高于别人。
- Back then, I didn't sell to Osama Bin Laden. Not because of moral reasons, but because he was always bouncing checks. 话说回来,我没向本拉登卖过武器,不是因为道德原因,而是他的支票经常跳票。
- Kohlberg's theory revolves around the notion that justice is the essential feature of moral reasoning. 柯尔伯格理论中反复出现的是,正义是道德推理的本质特征。
- Every birdwatcher has a moral reasonability to themselves, to other birdwatchers and , most important, to the birds. 每一位赏鸟者对于自己、其他赏鸟者以及最重要的,对于鸟类具备有道德的责任。
- According to Kohlberg, a person who progresses to a higher stage of moral reasoning cannot skip stages. 按照柯尔伯格理论,人们在向高一级道德推理阶段前进时,不可能跳跃某个阶段。
- The parents administered little physical punishment in disciplining their children, using moral reasoning instead. 父母应使用极少的身体惩罚来训练孩子,而是使用道德理论。
- Moral Reason, Moral Sensitivity and Moral Tolerance 道德理性、道德敏感与道德宽容
- The Moral Reason of China's Traditional Culture 中国传统文化的道德理性
- Throughout the document, leftish ideas about economics nestle alongside the austere moral reasoning that is a hallmark of the German-born pontiff. 在整份文件中,经济学的左派思想与简朴的道德推理相依偎,简朴的道德推理是这个出生于德国的主教的标志特征。
- The Comment on the Education of Moral Reason 论道德理性的教育
- The most elementary form of moral reasoning - the ethical equivalent of learning to crawl - is to weigh others' interests against one's own. 道德推理最基本的形式,相当于人刚学爬的阶段,就是权衡他人与自己的利益。这反过来就需要同情心和想象力。
- I have every reason to be confident of our victory. 我有充分的理由坚信胜利是属于我们的。
- They say apathy should not be interpreted as a desire to donate organs. Some patients oppose donation for religious and moral reasons. 他们声称反应冷淡不应该被理解为想要捐赠器官。一些病人会基于宗教或道德原因反对器官捐赠。
- We have reason to believe that he was murdered. 我们有理由相信他是被谋杀的。
- What was the real reason for your absence? 你缺席的真正原因是什么?
- Have standards of morality improved? 道德标准是否有所改进?
- It is wise even in adversity to listen to reason. 灾难中听从理性的召唤也是明智的。