- The poor child looks more dead than alive. 这孩子看上去半死不活的,真可怜。
- The old man is more dead than alive. 这个老头活着还不如死了。
- The policeman came to the criminal, who was more dead than alive. 警察走向那个奄奄一息的罪犯。
- The man, more dead than alive, was brought in and locked in the cellar. 带入地窖被锁起来的那个人死气沉沉的,没有活力。
- Yesterday John traveled twenty-five miles on foot and he is more dead than alive now. 约翰昨天步行了25英里,所以现在疲惫得要命。
- It wasn't till the early hours of morning that a policeman found her lying,more dead than alive,in the park where she had been beaten up. 直到清晨,一个警察才发现她被打得半死不活地躺在公园里。
- The tame sparrow, with its tail and claws dangling from the kitten's mouth, does not even know how to struggle. It looks more dead than alive. 被人养惯的小麻雀,连挣扎都不会,尾与爪在猫嘴旁塔拉着,和死去差不多。
- I was lying here on the sand more dead than alive, when an appetizing odor of fried fish came to me. That odor tickled my hunger and I followed it. 我躺在这儿的沙滩上生不如死,这时一股炸鱼的香味飘到了我身边。那股香味引起了我的食欲,我顺着香味就来了。
- He was more dead than alive. 他已经奄奄一息了。
- He is more dead than alive. 与其说他活着,不如说他死了。
- “I was lying here on the sand more dead than alive, when an appetizing odor of fried fish came to me. That odor tickled my hunger and I followed it. “我躺在这儿的沙滩上生不如死,这时一股炸鱼的香味飘到了我身边。那股香味引起了我的食欲,我顺着香味就来了。
- when it was impossible to drive faster;liked to give a lash on the neck to a passing peasant who was already hastening out of his way more dead than alive. 他爱在庄稼汉的脖子上狠抽一鞭子,尽管这个庄稼汉本来就给吓得半死不活、已经闪到一边去了。
- more dead than alive;Halfdead 半死不活
- half-dead; more dead than alive 半死不活
- more dead than alive 累得要死
- OBERON Silence awhile. Robin, take off this head. Titania, music call; and strike more dead Than common sleep of all these five the sense. 奥布朗:静一会儿。罗宾,把他的头壳揭下了。提泰妮娅,叫他们奏起音乐来吧,让这五个人睡得全然失去了知觉。
- City centres might actually look much deader than they already do but for one curious change. 城市中心看上去可能比他们实际的状况更加的死气沉沉,不过却有一个奇怪的变化。
- I had rather be dead than be a slave. 我宁可死去,也不愿意当奴隶。
- There is too much dead wood among the teach staff. 教师中尸位素餐者众。
- They found many dead birds on the beaches. 在海滩上,他们发现了很多死鸟。