- The motor car disappeared in eddy of dust. 汽车在一片扬尘的涡流中不见了。
- The motor launch was fitting out as a fishing boat. 这艘摩托艇正在装备成渔船。
- The tail exhaust pipe of the motor vehicle emitted poisonous smoke. 机动车的尾部排气管排出有毒的浓烟。
- Remove the motor when you lay up your boat. 船闲置不用时,你要把发动机拆下来。
- The motor boat was tearing along in the high wind. 快艇在疾风中顺风飞快地行进。
- For sale: small motor scooter. Enquire within. 待售:小型摩托车,请进内询问。
- A bumper is a part of a motor vehicle. 保险杆是机动车辆的一部分。
- That rumor has no foundation in fact. 那谣传没有事实根据。
- That young man is a motor mechanic. 那个年轻人是一个汽车修理工。
- The rumor was without foundation. 那条谣言毫无根据。
- The passage of motor vehicles is forbidden. 机动车禁止通行。
- The foundation provides money for schools. 基金会资助学校。
- This road is closed to motor vehicles. 这条路机动车不准通行。
- I stopped the car but left the motor ticking over. 我停住汽车,让发动机空转。
- At six o'clock the motor started up. 6点钟时马达开动起来。
- The motor noise ruled out conversation. 发动机的噪音使谈话无法进行。
- Jane wears a foundation garment under her evening dress. 珍妮在晚礼服里面穿了一件紧身衣。
- The motor turned over without any trouble. 马达毫无困难地发动起来。
- I get a big kick from motor racing. 我觉得汽车比赛很刺激。
- He laid the foundation of his success by study and hard work. 他通过学习和努力工作为成功打下了基础。