- mould a statue of Buddha 塑一尊佛像
- He commissioned a statue of his wife. 他请人制作他妻子的雕像。
- Moreover the earlier inscription, on a statue of Buddha Amitabha found recently in North India, while clearly Mahayana, also uses formulae characteristic of non-Mahayana epigraphy. 而那些更早的石刻,如在最近印度北部发现的一件阿弥陀佛像(阿弥陀佛是大乘佛教所崇拜的佛像),在其中也表达了非大乘的义理。
- A statue of a soldier was emplaced in the square. 一座军人雕像被安放在广场上。
- A statue of confucius was emplaced in the square. 广场上竖起了一座孔子塑像。
- There is a statue of Nelson in Trafalgar Square. 在特拉法加广场有一尊纳尔逊的塑像。
- You must make a statue of a horse. 你们必须制作一个马的造像。
- Here there's even a statue of Goddess Guanyin. 这里还有一尊观音像。
- Of course I have. I saw a statue of him. 当然见过。他的雕像啊。
- Several women knelt down before the statue of Buddha and prayed. 几个妇女跪在佛像前祈祷。
- In medieval times, a statue of Venus stood on Il Campo. 在中世纪,坎普广场上曾立有一尊维纳斯雕像。
- 9 see joke: There are two spiders in a shabby temple, it is only below eave, go up in niche for a statue of Buddha only. 9看笑话: 一座破旧的庙里住著两只蜘蛛,一只在屋檐下,一只在佛龛上。
- Many around the shrines stands a small statue of Buddha in the Song Dynasty. 周围诸多佛龛伫立着宋代小佛像。
- The queues have a status of Retry. 队列状态为“重试”。
- Sassoon is a status of being not doing. 沙宣是一种状态而不是一个结果。
- A representation or likeness of Buddha. 佛像佛的象征或替代物
- There is a statue of dragon cast in bronze in the park. 公园里有一个龙的青铜塑像。
- And Po Lin Monastery on Lantau Island,home to the world's largest outdoor bronze statue of Buddha,the Tian Tan Buddha. 还有位于大屿山的宝莲寺,该寺的天坛大佛是全球最大的室外青铜佛像。
- Kratos discovers a statue of Athena at the entrance of the desert. 克瑞托斯在沙漠的入口处发现了一个雅典娜女神的雕像。
- Hong Kong possesses the highest bronze statue of Buddha in the open air in the world. 香港在世界上最高的露天铜佛。