- The car body is moulded in the factory. 汽车车身是在这家工厂里模压成型的。
- Bread tends to mould in damp weather. 气候潮湿时,面包容易长霉。
- Object is visible in insert mode. 对象在插入模式中是否可见。
- The figure had been moulded in clay. 这座人像是用黏土塑造的。
- The mould in which they were made is broken. 塑造它们的模型已毁。
- Usual used plastic mould in want polish property. 一般用途特别是要求抛光的塑胶料模具。
- We try to incubate black mould in biology class. 微生物课上, 我们试着培养黑霉。
- Gets or sets the custom content for an item in insert mode. 获取或设置插入模式中项的自定义内容。
- Specifies the content to display for an item in insert mode in a. 对象中处于插入模式中的项指定要显示的内容。
- The acoustically transparent basket is moulded in aluminium . 盆架采用铝铸透声盆架。
- Control should remain in insert mode after an insert operation. 控件是否仍保持插入模式。
- Gets or sets the template for displaying an item in insert mode in a. 对象中处于插入模式中的项。
- Object is visible when its parent data-bound control is in insert mode. 对象在其父级数据绑定控件处于插入模式时是否可见。
- A well-designed lockable pump dispenser acts as closure and is injection moulded in polypropylene. 一个设计良好的上锁泵机作为结束,并在聚丙烯注塑成型。
- Fails, the cursor remains on the insert row and the cursor remains in insert mode. 失败,则游标将保留在插入行,并保留插入模式。
- Parentheses delimiting expression in TOP is required in INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements. 在INSERT、UPDATE和DELETE语句中,需要使用括号分隔TOP中的expression。
- If insertRow fails, the cursor remains on the insert row and the cursor remains in insert mode. 如果insertRow失败,游标将保持在插入行,并且游标保持在插入模式下。
- The sliding layer of glass fibre reinforced plastic containing PTFE is injection moulded in situ inside the housing washer. 含PTFE玻璃纤维增强塑料的滑动层是在轴承座圈内注射成型。
- The style settings for the data rows when the DetailsView control is in insert mode. DetailsView控件处于插入模式时数据行的样式设置。
- Moulded in white polystyrene. Simple and efficient pipette rest. An off-centre support means it is also suitable for short pipette, syringes, etc. 为效率佳之吸管架,且中央区域可放短的滴管、注射器.....等。英文简述: