- Advanced Base Operation in Micronesia! 沿着密克罗尼西亚的作战基地推进!
- Modular exponentiation of larger-number has universal application in cryptography,and it is the base operation in most public-key cryptography algorithms. 大数模幂在密码学领域有广泛的应用,它是公钥密码的基础。
- Modular multiplication of larger-number has universal application in cryptography, and it is the base operation in most public-key cryptography algorithms such as RSA,ElGamal, Fiat- Shamir. 大数模乘在密码学领域有广泛的应用,它是实现RSA、ElGamal、Fiat-Shamir等公钥密码算法的基本运算。
- Design of wireless mouse based on micro accelerometer 基于微加速度传感器的无线鼠标的设计
- The HPUs are driven by a diesel engine for land pipelines or an electric motor for laybarge or spool- based operations. 柴油机驱动陆地管线的液压动力元件,而对于布管驳船或基于活塞运作的液压动力元件则由电动机驱动。
- The Effects Based Operations (EBO) concept is based on relating actions in a combined operations to overall effects. 基于效果作战(EBO)的概念是根据联合作战中各相关行动的总体效果提出来的。
- Eye-Controlled Mouse Based on the Eye-gaze Tracking Technique 基于视线跟踪技术的眼控鼠标
- Each structure has a specific purpose and plays an important part of your bases operation and enhances its capabilities. 每一个部件都有一个明确的用途,在你的基地中扮演者重要的角色,并提高它的性能。
- A minimum of 5 years of general ledger and cost accounting experience working with US based operations in the telecommunications industry, preferably a publicly-listed company. 至少有5年在美资电信行业负责应收、应付帐的经历,有在上市公司工作经历者优先。
- On Sunday night he was as quiet as a mouse. 他在星期天晚上安静得像只耗子。
- In the worst case, a machine with all of the software required to execute a job, including the base operating system, should be provisioned. 在最坏的情况下,执行一个任务需要配置一台安装了所有软件的机器,包括基本的操作系统。
- A mouse ran out from the dark orifice of the cave. 一只老鼠从黑暗的洞口跑出。
- Endoscopic guided nasal and skull base operation 鼻内和颅底肿瘤的内镜引导下手术
- The cat is playing with a live mouse. 猫在戏弄那只活老鼠。
- Hazardous Waste Base Operation Support Systems 危险性废弃物基地操作支援系统
- The cat was creeping silently towards the mouse. 猫悄悄地朝着老鼠爬过去。
- The eagle held a mouse in its claws. 鹰用爪抓住了老鼠。
- Debian GNU Linux is the first choice as base operating system for Innominate when developing standard and customized security appliances for a long time. 数年来,Innominate在开发标准及特殊订做的网络安全产品时,Debian GNU Linux一直是他们基础操作系统的第一选择。
- The cat crouched, ready to spring at the mouse. 那只猫蹲下,准备扑向那只老鼠。
- At the sight of a mouse, she drew back in horror. 她一看见老鼠,就吓得连连退缩。