- He threw a vote for the Democratic candidate. 他投了民主党总统候选人一票。
- He will cast a vote for the Labor candidate. 他将投工党候选人的票。
- We will orally take a vote for this question. 我们将口头对这一问题做个表决。
- A vote for the Liberal Democrats is just a Labour vote in disguise. 投自由民主党的票不过是改头换面投工党的票。
- New cadres were elected. No one dared cast a vote for any rascal. 不久,村干部又都经过大改选,村里人再也不敢乱投坏人的票了。
- Each participant had a vote for the favorite community design. 工作坊当日每位参加者均可投票选出自己最喜爱的设计。
- move a vote for 提出 ... 决议
- I didn't vote for her because she always seems to be in a fog. 我没有投她的票,因为她好像总是头脑不清。
- I cast a vote for the proposal. 对那项议案我投了赞成票。
- The bill came up for a vote last week. 议案上星期被提付表决。
- The opposition passed a vote of censure on the government. 反对派通过了对政府的不信任投票。
- For example, move a column to the left or right. 例如,向左或向右移动列。
- I may vote for her at the next election. 下届选举我可能选她。
- I move that a vote be taken on this. 我提议就此进行投票。
- Could you move a fraction closer? 你能不能稍微再挪近点儿?
- An elector is entitled to cast one vote for a list. 每名选民可投一票,支持一份参选名单。
- A vote for acquittal should not be based on sympathy or the reluctance of a jury to perform a disagreeable task. 投票赞成无罪的裁决,不应该建立在同情的基础上或陪审团执行一项令人不愉快的任务勉强作出的。
- Would you be good enough to move a bit to the right? 请你往右边移一点好吗?
- I'm still undecided (about) who to vote for. 我尚未决定投谁的票。
- Every time you spend money, you've casting a vote for the kind of world you want. 每当你花出一笔钱,你就为你想要的世界投了一票。