- Could you move a fraction closer? 你能不能稍微再挪近点儿?
- Would you be good enough to move a bit to the right? 请你往右边移一点好吗?
- As the train began to move a pleasant draught cooled us all down. 火车一开,一阵凉风吹来,我们顿感凉爽。
- To move a hopper or stacker upward or downward. 上下移动送卡箱或接卡箱。
- He moved a resolution in the meeting. 他在会议上提出了一个决议。
- I am too tired to move a step further. 我太累了,再也走不动了。
- We were so startled that we did not move a muscle. 我们吓呆了,站着一动也不动。
- We were so tired we couldn't move a muscle. 我们累得动弹不得。
- Without his help you can not move a single step. 没有他的帮助,你寸步难行。
- He didn't move a muscle(= stood completely still). 他一动不动地站着。
- Other Half doesn't move a muscle. 另一半一动未动。
- The bandit said he would kill the girl if she moved a muscle. 土匪对姑娘说如果她动一下就把她杀死。
- Don't move a muscle! ie Stay completely still. 呆着别动!
- Anyone knows an ant can't move a rubber-tree plant. 人人都知道一个小小的蚂蚁是不能挪动橡胶树的。
- She's beginning to move a little. 她开始有点动了。
- For example, move a column to the left or right. 例如,向左或向右移动列。
- The force moving a body is proportional to the mass of the body. 移动物体的力与该物体的质量成正比。
- Without the masses we can't move a step. 咱们离开了群众, 就寸步难行啊!
- Critics called the move a public relations ploy. 批评家称这个行动是一个公关手法。
- Nothing can move a man who is paid by the hour; how sweet the flight of time seem to his calm mind. 什么也不能推动一个按钟头收费的人,对他的平静的心情来说,时间的消逝是多么甜蜜啊。