- I expect we shall muddle through somehow! 我看我们总能应付过去!
- He knew enough mathematics to muddle through in his job. 他懂得一些数学,工作上大体可以对付过去。
- She is a very disorganized person but she always seems to muddle through. 她这人做事一向没什么条理,但她却似乎总是对付过去了。
- Never just muddle through your work. 决不能苟且行事。
- She decided to try and muddle through. 她决定了用随便搪塞的办法。
- Hungary might muddle through for a few months. 匈牙利可能还会挣扎几个月时间。
- The work was difficult, but he managed somehow to muddle through. 工作相当困难;但他居然糊里糊涂地应付过去了。
- The country will probably continue to muddle through. 日本也许还要继续在困境中挣扎。
- He knows enough mathematics to muddle through in his job. 他懂得一些数学,工作上大体可以对付过去。
- It always amazes me how Tom manages to muddle through. 令我惊奇的是汤姆不知怎么总能混下去。
- The work was difficult,but he managed somehow to muddle through. 工作相当困难;但他居然糊里糊涂地应付过去了。
- She is a disorganize people,but she was muddle through. 她这人做事一向没什么条理,但她却似乎总是对付过去了。
- She is a very disorganizedperson but she always seems to muddle through. 她这人做事一向没什么条理,但她却似乎总是对付过去了。
- They never seem to have a proper plan but manage to muddle through somehow. 他们似乎从来没有个合适的计划,但又总干出了些成绩。
- She is a very disorganised person but she always seems to muddle through. 她这人做事一向没什么条理,但她却似乎总是对付过去了。
- She is a very disorgnaized person but she always seems to muddle through. 她这人做事一向没什么条理,但她却似乎总是对付过去了。
- A continuation of the "muddle through" approach could lead the world into an unmanageable economic crisis. 继续实行“得过且过”的政策将使世界陷入不可收拾的经济危机。
- There were problems, but we muddled through somehow. 困难是有的,但我们好歹混过来了。
- But his gift for oratory might create a sense of shared sacrifice that will help him to muddle through. 但是他的演讲天赋也可以产生一种共患难的感觉,能够帮助他胡乱应付过去。
- At one point, while you were focused on Iraq, you said well, we can "muddle through" Afghanistan. 当你正聚焦伊拉克的时候,你说:嗯,我们可以“应付过去”阿富汗。