- mulitiparity sows 经产母猪
- The farmers here sow once a year. 这里的农民一年播一次种子。
- He tried to sow discontent among us. 他企图在我们中间散布不满情绪。
- Like humans, sows also breast-feed their babies. 与人一样,母猪也给自己的幼仔喂奶。
- Sow the seeds now and in due course you will have the flowers. 现在播种,到了时候就可以得到鲜花。
- If we sow the seed now, in due course we will have the flowers. 如果我们现在播下种子,到时候会开花的。
- Sows are suffering from virus pneumonia. 母猪感染了病毒性肺炎。
- He that sows virtue shall reap fame. 积德自有好名声。
- Farmers plow their fields and sow in spring. 农民在春天犁地播种。
- He sow hurry and reap indigestion. 匆匆忙忙,办事不当。
- Wherever she goes,she sows the dragon's teeth. 她走到哪里,就在哪里挑起纠纷。
- In the garden more grow than the gardener sow. 有意栽花花不发,无心插柳柳成荫。
- The farmer sows the corn in the spring. 春天农民播种五谷。
- If the brain sows not corn, it plants thistle . 脑里不种粮,必定生杂草。
- Sows are suffering from virus preumonia. 母猪感染病毒性肺炎。
- Ireland is the old sow that eats her farrow. 爱尔兰是一只吃自己猪崽的老母猪。
- And one who sows discord in a family. 并弟兄中布散纷争的人。
- The young will sow their wild oats. 年轻人会沉溺于放荡的生活。
- Whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap. 一个人种什么,他将收获什么。
- Wherever she goes, she sows the dragon's teeth. 她走到哪里,就在哪里挑起纠纷。