- multi Agent techniques 多Agent技术
- In recent years, Agent and Multi Agent system have been one important part of computer science and distributed artificial intelligence (DAI). 近年来 ;Agent和多Agent系统成为计算机科学和分布式人工智能研究的一个重要方向 .
- This paper presents a method based on the BDI model to implement an informatiion Agent for distribute d multi Agent environments. It also p roposes the model and learning algorithm of the PERFORM(PERsonal inFORmation Man ager)system. 本文提出一种用于分布式多 Agent环境的以 BDI模型为基础构建信息 Agent的方法 ,给出了 PERFORM(PERsonal in FORmation Manager)系统的模型和学习算法
- DOLTRI Agent is to retrieve training resource information for DOL (distance and open learning). It is based on the multi agent architecture, including three sub agents and three other components. DOLTRI Agent系统是一个远程开放式学习 (distanceandopenlearn ing ;简称DOL)的教材信息搜集Agent .
- Agent technique constitutes a focus of distributed artificial intelligence (DAI). Agent技术是从分布式人工智能领域中兴起的研究热点 .
- Agent technique is applied on the process of interaction for rapid respondence in this system. 在各模块的程序设计中,应用了智能体技术,以提升现有服装网络销售运行过程。
- Thirdly, this paper draws a conclusion that agent technique is a kind of important technique to realize TNA theory through characteristics of agent and TNA. 第三根据Agent和TNA的特性,得出Agent是实现TNA思想的重要技术之一,同时NGOSS的框架设计思想也为MAS的系统设计提供了新思路;
- The technical fundamentals of the new generation information servica system of climate data are described,which consrst of data warehouse technique,data mining technique,world wide web technique and intelligent agent technique. 着重阐述了新一代气候资料信息服务系统的技术基础,主要有数据仓库技术、数据开采技术、环球网技术和智能代理技术。
- With the development of the technology of computer network and distributed computation, the research of the agent technique has become a hotspot and an important domain in AI and DAI. 随着计算机网络以及基于网络的分布式计算的发展,对于Agent技术的研究,已经成为人工智能领域以及分布式人工智能的一个热点和重要的研究方向。
- Based on a great deal of research for the IDS technique, this paper described an mixed IDS.It has distributed framework, and it can be central managed too.It uses cooperative autonomy agent technique. 本文在对大量的入侵检测技术研究的基础上,提出了一个分布式的,即使用自治协作代理技术,又可以集中管理的混合型入侵检测系统架构。
- The method of FMS reliability simulation base on agent is that agent technique was applied in developing simulation software, system simulation model was established with C++ programming. 而C++程序则完成随机变量抽样与运算,以提高FMS可靠性仿真软件的智能。
- I booked my holiday through my local travel agent. 我是由本地的旅游代理人预先安排的度假事宜。
- The tour is arranged by our local travel agent. 这个旅游团是由我们的本地旅游代理商组织安排的。
- For further information, contact your local agent. 要进一步了解情况,请与本地代理商联系。
- FBI is on the look out for the agent these days. 这些天联邦调查局正在注意那个特工。
- The agent spoke on behalf of his principal. 代理人代表他的委托人说话。
- Research and Implementation of Personalized Collaborative Learning System Based on Multi Agent 基于多Agent的个性化协作学习系统研究与实现
- I made my assistant my agent while I was abroad. 我请我的助手在我出国期间做我的代理人。
- Turn the mode dial to select multi exposure mode. 把模式盘转到多重曝光模式。