- The Study of Multi - level Data Fusion and Decision Support Model Facing to the Communication Command 面向通信指挥的多层信息融合及决策支持模型研究
- Data fusion theories and methods research in ATIS. ATIS交通数据融合的理论与方法研究。
- Multisensor data fusion is an emerging technology applie. 内容:多传感器信息融合,多运用于军事的技术。
- Database plays an important role in multisensor data fusion system. 数据库技术在多传感器信息融合系统中占有非常重要的地位。
- Society's expectations for data fusion may be unreasonably high. 社会大众对于资料融合技术的期望可能太高了。
- The results show that data fusion optimization can not cooperate effectively with the high level optimizations such as loop transformation of efc compiler on IA-64 computer. 测试结果表明,源程序级的数据融合优化不能很好地与IA-64平台上的EFC编译器高级优化配合工作,在O3级优化开关控制下,优化效果是负值。
- This paper describes a method to extract multi scale textural information from satellite SAR image using wavelet transformation. Then data fusion between satellite SAR image and TM image is implemented based on the wavelet texture information. 论述利用小波变换提取合成孔径雷达 (SAR)图像的多尺度纹理信息 ,基于小波纹理信息将SAR图像与TM图像进行融合。
- The research will develop B/S two level CMI system structure into C/S multi level structure. 并且对于IEEE LTSC中对CMI系统只准对B/S两层结构的设计拓广到C/S多层结构的设计。
- This research focuses on multi level set associative TLB performance of the general purpose microprocessor. 本文针对超深亚微米通用微处理器中的多级TLB设计开展研究 .
- Hibernate is an open source and lightweight level data persistence ORM tool. Hibernate是一个开放源代码的对象关系映射工具,是一个轻量级的数据持久化工具。
- A MLAP, short for a multi level affiliate program, is a relatively new type of affiliate program offered by some innovative web merchants. 一个海洋低温碱性蛋白酶;短一个多层次从属节目是一个比较新的节目类型下属提供一些创新网上商家.
- The data fusion algorithm used in TVM guidance is studied in this paper. 研究了TVM制导下的数据融合算法。
- This paper extends the concept of multi level bitmap catalogue proposed in paper, by introducing multi word bit operation into the algorithms related to the catalogue structure. 本文推广文提出的多级位示图目录的概念,在其有关算法中引入多倍字位操作,讨论存储池溢出的处理方法。
- TENET: helping the oversea chinese make a better evolution both in Canada and China, and promoting intercommunion allround between multi level of both sides. 宗旨:协助华人在中加两地更好地发展,同时推动中加之间多方面,多层次的交流。
- In view of real situations in multi level underground mines, a computer simulation model of reliablity of mining haulage system with two ore bins has been establised. 针对我国多水平开采矿井的实际情况,建立了具有两级缓冲仓柔性连接运输系统可靠性的计算机模拟模型。
- Fixed: replace 1 level data to correct. Not attempt remove not applied mods in time character creating and loading. 重置正确的1级的数据,不再尝试删除不适用的角色建立和导入信息。
- Multi factor flow chart(MFFC)and multi level document(MLD)are used to represent the process knowledge in this method.The whole acquiring process is from generalization to detail. 该方法使用了多因素流程图 ( MFFC)和多层次文本 ( MLD)两种工具对过程性知识进行表示。
- In order to eliminate affection caused by non-objection parameter, BP neural network data fusion is adopted. 为此,采用bp神经网络技术对其进行数据融合处理,以消除非目标参量对传感器输出值的影响。
- Ground water level data provide the most basic information for interpreting the ground waterflow system. 地下水水平数据为解释提供最基本的信息地下水 流程系统。
- As the feedback part of data fusion system, the importance of sensor management is self-evident. 传感器管理作为数据融合系统的反馈环节,其重要性不言而喻。