- Authors calculated the mechanism movement with R W method of multi rigid body system dynamics,and made a general optimal program of the steering mechanism for MC PHERSON strut in automobile. 运用多刚体系统动力学中R-W方法进行机构运动计算,编制了汽车麦弗逊悬架转向机构优化设计通用程序。
- An entirely rigid system is impractical. 一套完全死板的体制是不实际的。
- A rigid controller for the unmeasured vibration states was designed and a compensatory method for the impact on position control caused by system dynamics was given. 针对振动状态的不可测量性,应用刚性控制规律设计了控制器,给出了一种补偿系统动力学对位置控制影响的方法。
- Sterman, J. System Dynamics Modeling for Project Management. 2000. “专案管理的系统发展模式”2000.
- They are being forced to go through the boring and rigid system of tests and mugging-up to be called educated. 他们被迫经历这乏味无趣的考试制度,还被冠以接受教育之名。
- Methods The human body was simplified as a multi rigid body system composed of fifteen rigid bodies; the Javelin throwing process of the athlete was photographed by high-speed photography. 方法通过理论分析把人体简化为一个由15个刚体组成的多刚体系统;使用高速摄影机拍摄了运动员在最后用力阶段标枪投掷的实际过程。
- Writing and Modeling: using a notebook to learn about system dynamics. 运用笔记本搭配写作与画模型图来学习系统动力。
- A Study on Personal Financial Planning: by System Dynamics Approach. 全方位理财规划之系统动力学研究。
- A Dynamic Alignment Approach to the Leverage Design in System Dynamics Models. 以同步化流径搭配方式发展系统动力学模式高杠杆解设计方法之研究。
- Getting Started: Five lesson plans to help teachers introduce System Dynamics to their students. 帮助老师介绍系统动力学给学生的五种课程。
- Rigid systems can always do better by loosening up a bit, and turbulent systems can always improve by getting themselves a little more organized. 死板的系统放松一点总能运转得更好,骚乱的系统通过使自己稍微有序总能改进系统。
- Once the system dynamics reaches the sliding plane, the control system is insensitive to uncertainty. 一旦系统动态达到滑动运动阶段,系统对不确定是不敏感的。
- At the same time, however, education became so oriented toward technology and rigid systems of learning that students grew more and more alienated and dissatisfied. 可是同时,教育变得这样专注于技术和僵硬的学习制度,以致培养出来的学生对自己所受的这种教育愈来愈厌弃,愈来愈不满。
- The system dynamics is used to make the simulation about the differential game under the condition of complete information and incomplete information. 摘要以系统动力学为工具,通过模拟的方法求解完全信息和不完全信息情况下微分博弈的均衡策略。
- Based on the fully Cartesian coordinates, a differential/algebraic equation system of multibody system dynamics is obtained. 利用完全笛卡尔坐标描述多刚体系统,建立多刚体系统动力学微分-代数方程。
- This article develops a simulation model of energy econometrics evolution using system dynamics method. 采用系统动力学方法;构造能源经济发展仿真模型.
- This paper used system dynamics to found the system dynamics model of WUHU city ecosystem. 并在此基础上利用系统动力学方法,建立了芜湖市城市生态系统的动力学模型,模型分人口子系统,经济子系统,土地子系统,水子系统等四个子系统。
- Instead, they are subservient to a rigid system of central targets, which has inadvertently encouraged coppers to focus on busting minor offenders rather than on keeping their patches safe. 取而代之的是,他们对严格的主要目标制度低眉顺眼,这有意无意的鼓励警察们突击逮捕一些无名无姓的犯人来充数而不是努力让他管辖的地段更加的安全。
- Ernst D Dickmanns.Computer Vision and Highway Automation.Vehicle System dynamics, 1999 (31):325-343. 王荣本等.;有线图像识别式自动引导车辆系统设计
- They are commanders, they are in love, and they try to find a place of their own in an oppressing and rigid system, which sends them to defend a cause they do not necessarily believe in. 但真实的以色列处于战火之中,部队要随时奉命调派出勤,和观众所想像的营区里的纯情爱恋大相迳庭,得在真实的炮火冲击、突袭抢攻之中,心头上还揣著一个人,那会是什麽样的滋味?