- The wavelet transform has the advantage of probing the multi time scale of hydrology and water resources time series. 小波变换法分析水文水资源系统多时间尺度是优越的。
- But for a multi time scale power system, existence and fundamental characteristics of fast manifolds must also be studied in order to obtain the model reduction condition of fixing slow dynamics. 但对于多时间尺度的电力系统模型降阶问题而言,还必须研究快流形的存在性及其基本特征,以给出固定系统慢动态的降阶条件。
- In evolution, a generation sets the time scale. 在进化中,一代有固定的时间尺度。
- PAF charts do not have a proportioned time scale. 点数图没有成比例的时间刻度.
- The motion at this time scale is clearly dominated by this model. 采用这种时间尺度时,运动显然由这种模式所决定。
- Putting a firm time scale on that remains foolhardy. 对此给出一个明确的时间表并非明智之举。
- According to the interval of data update in mobile database, a method about invalidation reports based on multi time window is proposed. 根据移动数据库中数据更新的时间间隔,提出了基于多时间窗口的失效报告技术。
- We can do so from the very beginning during the making of the time scale. 在开始刻划时标时就可以注意到这一点。
- Time Scales of Climate Response. 气候反响的时间尺度。
- Under Day, in the Time scale list, click the grid interval for the calendar. 在“天”下的“时间刻度”列表中,单击日历的网格间隔。
- Evolution of stars of all masses takes place on a hydrodynamic time scale. 各种质量的恒星的演化,均以流体力学的时间尺度进行。
- On the geological time scale mankind has existed but for a brief moment. 人类在地质年代表中已经存在,但时间不长。
- The truth is that spiritual matters like self-purification and renunciation cannot be measured by Time scale. 像自我纯化和舍弃这样的非物质问题不能用时间的尺度来衡量,这是真理。
- Periodical convective boiling heat transfer in a time scale of milliseconds was found. 发现了周期在毫秒级的微时间尺度的周期性沸腾传热。
- It is best to establish second-generation orchards on a deliberate step-wise time scale. 对于营建第二代种子园,最好就是深思熟虑,按部就班。
- The motion at this time scale is clearly dominated by the lightly damped phugoid. 采用这种时间尺度时,运动显然由小阻尼的沉浮模态所决定。
- On such a large time scale the radiation parameterization will become more and more significant. 在这种较大的时间尺度上,辐射的参数化将变得越来越重要。
- The time scale for substantial solar irradiance change is in the order of a century or centuries. 太阳的辐射度要出现大变动,牵涉一个或数个世纪的长时间。
- Era A unit of the geological time scale that is made up of several periods, e.g. the Mesozoic Era comprises the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous periods. 代:量度地质时期的分类单位,代由若干时期组成,如中生代包括三叠纪、侏罗纪和白垩纪。
- Fruit juices ferment if they are kept a long time. 果汁若是放置很久,就会发酵。