- By analyzing these multidimensional static game model and these multidimensional dynamic game model, Nash equilibriums of the two game models are obtained respectively. 通过分析这种多维静态博弈和这种多维动态博弈,分别得到了两个博弈模型的纳什均衡。
- multidimensional dynamic game 多维动态博弈
- We build a dynamic game model to formalize this situation. 本文建立了一个动态博弈模型来分析这一状况。
- We prove that there is a unique subgame perfect Nash equilibrium of the dynamic game. 证明了该动态博弈存在唯一的子博弈精炼均衡。
- In contrast with results from the non-cooperative dynamic game, mutualism could perform better under coordination. 与非合作动态博弈情况相比,协作情况下互利共生机制能发挥更大的作用。
- Three levels of difficulty and can unlock new features to allow a more dynamic game! 三个难度级别的问题和新可解锁的特征让游戏更加充满活力!
- multidimensional dynamic visualization 多维动态显示
- Through a two stage dynamic game model, this paper discloses the adverse selection problem in the merger &Acquisition of the listed companies. 摘要通过一个二阶段完全信息动态博弈模型,证明了上市公司并购中普遍存在的逆向选择问题;
- Based on the game mechanism,a complete information dynamic game model for equilibrium optimization of project subcontract JIT procurement was built. 建立了工程分包JIT采购的博弈论模型,确定了工程分包JIT采购博弈效用函数,给出了求解工程分包JIT采购博弈模型的均衡优化算法。
- The first section of this paper applies Kant's 'categorical imperative' in the analysis of Nash equilibrium in static non - repetitive game as well as dynamic game. 基于康德伦理学的哲学运思,本文首先把“定言命令”运用于静态非重复博弈和动态博弈中的纳什均衡分析,以在当代社会科学的话语语境中反思市场经济的道德基础。
- Next, through constructing a non- complete information dynamic game model, it has produced a certificate to the above economical property rights defined process. 其次,通过构建一个非完全信息动态博弈模型,对上述经济中的产权界定过程给出了一个证明。 最后是应用模型所给出的结论对我国一些产权制度的现实问题所进行的讨论。
- Under certain circumstances of institution and culture, the structure of the enterprise ownership is the Nash equilibrium of a dynamic game of all factor owners. 在特定的制度和文化背景条件下,企业的所有权结构是各要素所有者动态博弈的纳什均衡。
- Through establishing a dynamic game model with complete information,the game process of cooperative process innovation between enterprise and research organization is analyzed. 通过建立一个完全信息动态博弈模型,分析了企业与研究机构合作进行工艺创新的博弈过程;
- Being such a dynamic game with new stuff added all the time, it's good to have a constantly updated aion power leveling guide or aion kina guide which includes the latest changes. 有的想用口水淹没她,有的对她的动机持怀疑的态度,还有的对其做法力顶。
- The paper analyses the dynamic game with complete information between bank and student debtor in course of the enforcement of state loans for higher education. 摘要用完全信息动态博弈的方法分析了国家助学贷款实施过程中,银行与学生贷款人的博弈过程。
- Through establishing a dynamic game model with complete information, the game process of cooperative process innovation between enterprise and research organization is analyzed. 摘要通过建立一个完全信息动态博弈模型,分析了企业与研究机构合作进行工艺创新的博弈过程;
- The paper studies the optimum management level of the project firm in the BOT project by the dynamic game model between the government and the project firm. 本文根据政府和项目公司的博弈关系,通过建立动态博弈模型研究了在BOT项目中,项目公司应具备的管理水平。
- Multilayer Multidimensional Dynamic Extension Set and Its Properties 多层高维动态可拓集合及其性质
- Under China s current individual income tax system,there exists incomplete information dynamic game among withholding tax collector,tax payer and tax collector. 在我国现行个人所得税制下,扣缴人、纳税人、征税人之间的博弈形成了不完全信息动态博弈。
- When implementing the new rural cooperative medical system the author discovered a financing conundrum, which the dynamic game relationship between farmers and government was hidden reason which induced financing difficulty. 笔者在河南某新型农村合作医疗试点县调研的基础上发现,向农民筹资是制度推行过程中面临的一个难题。本文认为:自愿原则下,农民与政府之间在新型农村合作医疗的推行过程中形成了动态博弈关系,而这一关系中隐含着向农民筹资难的原因。