- multinucleated foam cell 多核泡沫细胞
- The morphology of the foam cell is investigated to analyze the enrichment of titanium and furrows on cell wall. 对泡沫孔的形貌特征进行了研究,并对孔壁上钛的富集和皱褶进行了分析。
- Results : IPDT could effectivly reduce the ceramide content of aorta lipid plaque, and control the apoptosis of foam cell. 结果:抵当汤改良方能有效减少主动脉脂质斑块部神经酰胺的含量,抑制其泡沫细胞的凋亡。
- Upregulation of aldose reductase during foam cell formation as possible link among diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and atherosclerosis. (泡沫细胞形成过程中醛糖还原酶上调可能是糖尿病、高血压和动脉粥样硬化之间的可能联系。)
- Results: Xiaoyu tablet obviously inhibited thrombosis on atherosclerotic plaque and foam cell formation and aggregation in plaque, kept integrity of fiber cap and shoulder area. 同时也可抑制斑块中泡沫细胞的形成和聚集,使纤维帽尤其是肩部区的结构保持得较为完整。
- Objective: To observe the effects of improving prescription of Didang-tang (IPDT) on the apoptosis of foam cell of aorta lipid plaque of experimental atherosclerosis(AS) rabbits. 目的:观察抵当汤改良方对实验性动脉粥样硬化(AS)家兔主动脉脂质斑块部泡沫细胞凋亡的影响。
- Most obviously, some fraction of the foam cells die, releasing lipids. 最明显的是,一部分的泡沫细胞会死亡,放出脂质。
- The accumulation of cholesterol (in the form of the macrophage foam cell) within lesions is presumably due to insufficient activity of key lipid efflux, catabolic pathways, or both. 在病损局部胆固醇的累积(以巨噬细胞源性的泡沫细胞形成的形式)被假定分别由关键脂质排出、催化机制的活性下降导致或者二者皆共同参与所导致。
- This is a high magnification of the aortic atheroma with foam cells and cholesterol clefts. 高倍显示动脉粥样硬化时的胆固醇结晶和泡沫细胞。
- At higher magnification, many foam cells( macrophages full of lipid material) and a cholesterol cleft are seen in this atheromatous plaque. 高倍镜下可见粥样斑块中有许多泡沫细胞(吞噬大量脂质的巨噬细胞)胆固醇结晶。
- Unmodified apoEko-VLDL/IDL fraction transferred J774 macrophages to foam cells through an apoE independent pathway. apoE 缺失鼠血浆非修饰apoEko - VLDL/IDL 组分以不依赖apoE 方式转J774 巨噬细胞为泡沫细胞,参与动脉粥样硬化形成
- This high magnification of the atheroma shows numerous foam cells and an occasional cholesterol cleft. 图示:动脉粥样硬化高倍镜显示多量泡沫细胞,偶见胆固醇结晶(棱状空隙)。
- The histopathology was papillomatosis and collections of foam cells in expanded papillary dermis. 皮损组织病理学检查示:表皮呈乳头瘤样增生,真皮乳头较多泡沫细胞;
- Necrotic materials and foam cells seen in histopathology appeared hypo or iso dense on CTA,hypo echoic on DUS,and heterogeneous intense on MRA. CTA为低、等密度者 ,DUS回声低 ,MRA信号强度不均 ,斑块镜下显示无定形坏死物质及积聚脂质的泡沫细胞。
- Meanwhile, though there were foam cells in subendothelium and the slight damage in endothelium cells, but most of the lumen was smooth in AE group. ApoE~(-/-)小鼠运动组大部内皮细胞的腔面光滑平坦,内皮细胞损害较轻,内皮下仍见泡沫细胞,但层数较AC组少,中膜平滑肌以收缩型为主。
- The aspirate consisted of not only liquid including protein, but also many kinds of benign cells, such as foam cells, epithelium cells, etc. 吸出物成份除含蛋白的液体外,主要是泡沫细胞及其它良性细胞。
- Pathological and histological results show that thickness of endothelium is increased and large quantities of the foaming cell can be se... 透射电镜和免疫组织化学鉴定显示,增生内膜主要是平滑肌细胞增殖。
- The results showed that Troglitazone markedly increased ABCA1-mediated cholesterol efflux from THP-1 macrophage-derived foam cells,from Oh 1.82% to 24h 7.61%. 经曲格列酮处理后;THP-1巨噬细胞源性泡沫细胞的胆固醇流出具有时间依赖性的增加;从0h的1.;82%25上升到24h的7
- This high magnification of the atheroma shows numerous foam cells and an occasional cholesterol cleft. A few dark blue inflammatory cells are scattered within the atheroma. 图示:动脉粥样硬化高倍镜显示多量泡沫细胞,偶见胆固醇结晶(棱状空隙)。一些暗蓝色的炎细胞散在分布于粥样硬化病灶内。
- Background: Accumulation of excess cholesterol by intimal arterial smooth muscle cells (SMCs) contributes to the formation of foam cells in atherosclerotic lesions. 背景:动脉内膜平滑肌细胞内常常有胆固醇的过多聚集,这对于粥样硬化病变区域中泡沫细胞的形成具有重要作用。