- multiple call progressing unit 多路呼叫处理装置
- What we call progress is the exchange of one nuisance for another nuisance. 我们所谓的进步,无非是以一麻烦换上另一麻烦罢了。
- What we call progress is the exchange of one nuisance for another nuisance . 我们所谓的进步,无非是以一麻烦换上另一麻烦罢了。
- MCPU Multiple Call Processing Unit 多呼叫处理单元
- The call progress screen show you what happen on each channel as the call is connected. call progress屏幕会显示正在连接呼叫时每一通道所发生的情况。
- This "multiple call" problem can even cause the macro to return the wrong value if one of the functions returns a different value each call. 如果这些函数每次调用时所返回的结果都不相同,那么这种“多次调用”的问题甚至会让这个宏返回错误的结果。
- This paper provides a warning system, it use DTMF signal of telephone and MT8888 as a monolithic DTMF transceiver with call progress. 介绍一种基于电话网且采用MT8888作DTMF信号的收发器件的报警系统,文中给出了MT8888与电话线的接口电路及软件流程图。
- Does your business process need to span multiple calls from the client? 您的业务过程需要跨越来自客户机的多个调用吗?
- Do as much work as you can in one platform invoke call rather than using multiple calls. 尽量使用一个平台调用多做工作,尽量少用多个调用。
- Signal switches originate, terminate or combine multiple calls onto a single pipe. 信号交换机开始、终止或结合多个通话成为单一管道。
- In some cases, a wrapper on the remote side might improve performance by encapsulating multiple calls on the remote end into a single remote call. 在某些情况下,远端的封装器可以通过将远端的多个调用封装成一个远程调用来提高性能。
- Signal switches originate,terminate or combine multiple calls onto a single pipe. 信号交换机开始、终止或结合多个通话成为单一管道。
- The work tables are not shared among multiple calls to OpenXml(), even on the same XML instance. 工作表不在对OpenXml()的多个调用间共享(即使是在同一个XML实例上)。
- TDMA works by dividing a radio frequency into time slots and then allocating slots to multiple calls. TDMA把无线频率分成多个时间片并把时间片分派到多个通话。用这种办法,一个频率可以同时支持多个数据信道。
- Wireless frequencies are a scarce resource, so wireless providers use multiplexing to send multiple calls over a single frequency. 无线频率是稀有的资源,因此无线频率提供商使用多路复用技术通过一个频率发送多个呼叫。
- They enable the central office or the PBX to send multiple calls over the same line for better efficiency by using a simplified wiring layout. 通过这些干线,中央办公室或PBX可以使用简单的线路布局有效地在同一线路上传送多个呼叫。
- Placing these fields in the state object allows their values to be preserved across multiple calls to read data from the client socket. 将这些字段放在该状态对象中,使这些字段的值在多个调用之间得以保留,以便从客户端套接字读取数据。
- If you intend to get a reference and make multiple calls on it, using object pooling without JIT activation may result in better performance. 如果打算获取引用并多次调用它,使用没有启用JIT激活的对象池可能会提高性能。
- My brother is always at my father's beck and call. 我兄弟总是对我父亲唯命是从。
- In circuit-switched networks, such as the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN), multiple calls are transmitted across the same transmission medium. 在电路交换网络(例如公用电话交换网(PSTN))中,通过相同的传输介质传输多个呼叫。