- There can be multiple keys open at the same time. 可以同时打开多个密钥。
- Multiple keys can be declared on a node. 一个节点上可以声明多个键。
- Sometimes you might need to generate multiple keys. 有时您可能需要生成多个密钥。
- The stacking order of multiple keys. 多种键的层次次序。
- Plans for keyrings that hold multiple keys have been added to Blacksmithing. 可以放几把钥匙的钥匙圈增加给铁匠。
- Mining models that have multiple case-level keys with multiple keys in a nested table cannot be migrated. 无法迁移具有多个事例级别键,且其中的多个键在嵌套表中的挖掘模型。
- Because a time series model can contain multiple keys, both TimeIndex and ModelRegion are designated to be key columns. 由于时序模型可以包含多个键,因此将TimeIndex和ModelRegion都指定为键列。
- There can be multiple key elements for a table, even for a table with a single-part primary key. 一个表可以有多个键元素,甚至具有单部分主键的表也可以有多个键元素。
- When a mesh object does not have a pinned key, it can show multiple keys at once. To prevent this, click on the pin icon. 当网格物体没有销连接键,一次会出现很多键,按pin按钮会防止这种事情发生。
- X-Bulk handles registration of multiple key pairs in one request message, unlike XKRSS which addresses registration of one key pair at a time. X-Bulk处理在一条请求消息内同时注册多个密钥对,这与XKRSS不同,后者只处理一次注册一个密钥对的情况。
- If you use the default main menu prompt greeting and define a key mapping or multiple key mappings, the Unified Messaging Text-to-Speech (TTS) engine will synthesize a main menu prompt. 如果使用默认主菜单提示问候语并定义一个或多个键映射,统一消息语音合成(TTS)引擎将合成主菜单提示。
- Java technology is not only a kind of object-oriented programming language as we usually know, but also consists of multiple key technologies, including JVM, class loader, Java API and Java programming language. 讨论了Java技术关键组成,Java技术并不是我们平常所认识的,就是一种面向对象的编程语言,它是由多项关键技术组成的,其中包括Java虚拟机、类装载器、Java API以及Java程序设计语言。
- His fingers swept the keys of the piano. 他的手指在钢琴键盘上轻快地移动。
- Herein lies the keys to the questions. 里面包含着问题的答案。
- It was careless of you to lose my car keys. 你实在太粗心,把我的车钥匙弄丢了。
- They scared him into handing over the keys. 他们把他吓得交出了钥匙。
- Keys are available on application to the principal. 向校长申请就可得到钥匙。
- Stop jingling your keys like that. 别把钥匙弄得叮当乱响。
- The organ has two banks of keys. 那架风琴有两排键盘。
- He is the person with multiple injuries. 他就是那个多处受伤的人。